Diagnostics in Chinese Medicine(Jinan University) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试


Week 1 Basic Theory of Chinese Medicine 1:Yin-Yang and Five Elements Theory Unit test for Yin-Yang a

1、 Some people have aversion to cold in summer. What is the most common reason?

答案: Yang deficiency

2、 Why do some people have stomachache or distension, belching and acid regurgitation acid when they are angry or nervous? This is because:

答案: liver-stomach disharmony

3、 The normal relationship among the five elements is:

答案: restriction;
mutual generation

4、 The treatment principle based on mutual generation is:

答案: asthenia can be treated by reinforcing the mother-organ;
sthenia can be treated by purging the child-organ

5、 The basic contents of the yin-yang theory are as follows:

答案: antagonism and unity of yin and yang;
interdependence and mutual promotion of yin and yang;
wane and wax between yin and yang;
mutual transformation between yin and yang

6、 The treatment principle based on mutual generation is:

答案: sthenia can be treated by purging the child-organ;
asthenia can be treated by reinforcing the mother-organ

7、 Which of the following treatment methods is the embodiment of the treatment principle of repressing the strong and strengthening the weak:

答案: repress wood and strengthen earth;
bank up earth to control water;
support metal to suppress wood

8、 We can drink herbal tea as often as common tea.

答案: 错误

Week 1 Introduction Unit test for Introduction

1、 Which of the following is a “symptom” ?

答案: Restless and insomnia

2、 Which of the following ones is “physical signs”?

答案: Pale face

3、 Which of the following is the basic method for diagnosing and collecting disease condition in TCM?

答案: Diagnostic method

4、 Single choice.Which of the following is not true about the relationship among disease, syndrome and symptoms?

答案: Syndrome can be seen in the whole process of disease.

5、 The three basic principles of TCM diagnostics are:

答案: Overall examination, diagnostic methods synthesis, combination of disease and syndrome

6、 The three basic principles of TCM diagnostics are:

答案: Evaluating changes with normality;
Governing exterior to infer interior;
Recognize the whole through observation of the part

7、 Symptoms and physical signs may be together called as “symptoms”.

答案: 正确

Week 2 Basic Theory of Chinese Medicine 2:Zang-Fu Theory Unit test for Zang-Fu Theory

1、 Based on the main physiology function of the heart, which of the following symptoms is the peculiar pathological changes of the heart ?

答案: Palpitations, insomnia, dreaminess, forgetfulness

2、 The theory of the state of viscera is mainly to study

答案: the physiology and pathology of zang-fu organs and their relationship

3、 What plays a warming role for the body and the viscera ?

答案: Kidney yang

4、 Which of the following are the must have symptoms of lung syndrome?

答案: Cough and dyspnea

5、 Which of the following descriptions is false?

答案: Susceptibility to losing temper is the pathological change of the spleen.

6、 The liver corresponds to anger in emotions. Which of the following is not correct about the understanding of anger?

答案: anxiety

7、 The main characteristic of viscera theory is

答案: A holistic view centered on the five zang organs

8、 For people who has thin body form, which way can help them make muscle plump and powerful?

答案: Nourish the spleen

9、 A person has aversion to wind and cold. He usually sweats more and he often catches a cold. For such person, which viscera is weak?

答案: Lung deficiency

10、 The common characteristics of the six fu organs are:

答案: Excreting foodstuff instead of storing essence, solid but not full

11、 The main function of liver controlling dispersion is:

答案: Qi activity in harmonious way

12、 Which of the following is not the primary physiological function of the spleen?

答案: Spleen governs blood storage.

13、 The conveying and dispersing function of liver basically reflects in the following respects:

答案: Regulate qi activity;
Regulate reproductive function;
Help digestion;
Regulate emotions

14、 What characteristics do five zang-organs have?

答案: Store essence and qi without excretion;
Disease often indicates asthenia syndrom;
Substantive organs

15、 The main physiological functions of the lungs are

答案: governing dredge and regulating water passages;
governing coordination of visceral activities;
governing qi and respiration;
governing dispersion, depuration and descending

16、 About the physiological characteristics and pathological changes of the five zang organs and six fu organs, which of the following is true?

答案: Fu-organs being filled with foodstuff but inability to be full of essence and qi. ;
The pathological changes of six fu-organs are mostly excess syndromes.;
The lesions of five viscera are mostly asthenia syndromes.;
Zang-organs being full of essence and qi but inability to be filled with foodstuff.

17、 According to the physiological function of the spleen, which of the following symptoms are the specific symptoms of spleen (including stomach) disease?

答案: Reduced food intake (poor appetite, eating like a bird, etc.);
Abdominal distension;
Loose stool (diarrhoea)

18、 The spleen has the function of ascending lucidity. Ascending lucidity refers to ascending and distributing cereal nutrients.

答案: 正确

19、 Dark hair and strong teeth are the signs of adequate kidney essence and longevity for the elderly.

答案: 正确

Week 3 Basic Theory of Chinese Medicine 3:Qi,Blood and Body Fluid Theory Unit test for Qi,Blood and

1、 The concept of qi in traditional Chinese medicine is

答案: The most basic substance that makes up the human body and sustain life activities

2、 Which of the following groups does the formation, transportation and excretion of body fluid mainly depend on?

答案: Lung, spleen and kidney

3、 The physiological function of qi is:

答案: constituting blood

4、 When treating he elder with blood stasis due to cerebrovascular diseases, other than blood-activating drugs (such as tianqi and salvia miltiorrhiza), we also use qi supplement drugs (such as American ginseng and astragalus). This shows:

答案: the principle of qi promoting blood circulation

5、 Which qi is the one that runs outside the pulse and is distributed throughout the body?

答案: defensive qi

6、 Which is the qi that activates and regulates the physiological function of the zang-fu organs and meridians?

答案: primordial qi

7、 Which organs are the most closely related to the generation of blood?

答案: Spleen and stomach

8、 What is the physiological function of qi ?

答案: Containment;

9、 Qi commanding blood mainly refers to:

答案: Qi can promote blood circulation.;
Qi can generate blood.;
Qi can contain blood.

10、 The main function of blood is:

答案: to moisturize;
to nourish

11、 The physiological function of qi is mainly reflected in five aspects: promotion, warming, defense, containment and transformation.

答案: 正确

12、 Qi and blood share the same origin. Body fluid and qi share the same origin. Body fluid and blood share the same origin. Because qi, blood and body fluid all come from nourishment of kidney essence.

答案: 错误

13、 If a person often feels tired and fatigued, this is the pathological change caused by failure of qi promotion function.

答案: 正确

14、 If a person often has repeated cold, this is the pathological change caused by failure of qi defense function.

答案: 正确

15、 If body fluid is insufficient and it cannot moisturize or nourish, there will be symptoms like dry mouth, dry throat, dry nose, dry lips, dry eyes, scanty and yellowish urine and dry stool.

答案: 正确

16、 Profuse sweat, profuse urine, gastroptosis, nephroptosis, uterine prolapse or archoptoma are all the pathological changes caused by failure of qi containment function.

答案: 正确

17、 A person often has cold hands and feet. Especially in the summer, he is afraid to staying in the room with air conditioning. In winter, his limbs are cold. This is the pathological change caused by failure of qi warming function.

答案: 正确

Week 4 Basic Theory of Chinese Medicine 4: The theory of etiologic factor Unit test for Etiologic Fa

1、 Wind is the leading pathogenic factor that causes diseases. What does it refer to?

答案: Six exogenous pathogenic factors often attach to wind and attack human body.

2、 Pathogenic dryness can easily impair:

答案: lung

3、 The six exogenous pathogenic factors are:

答案: Abnormal six qi

4、 The pathogenic characteristic of pathogenic cold is:

答案: its nature is stagnation

5、 Diseases caused by pathogenic dampness take longer time to recover and are difficult to heal, because

答案: dampness is sticky and not easy to clear away

6、 The pathogenic characteristic of pathogenic wind is

答案: its nature is opening and drainage

7、 In summer, one has high fever, profuse sweating, strong thirst, surging and large pulse , lassitude of limbs, chest distress, nausea, vomiting, loose stool, greasy tongue coating. What syndrome does he get?

答案: Heat-dampness syndrome=

8、 The common pathogenic characteristics of pathogenic fire and pathogenic heat are:

答案: easily impairing body fluid;
easily consuming qi

9、 Overwork mainly refers to:

答案: excessive thinking;
excessive sexual intercourse;
excessive fatigue

10、 Which of the following diseases are caused by pathogenic dampness?

答案: Sticky and greasy stool;
Heaviness of limbs;
Head as heavy as being swathed;
White and greasy tongue coating

11、 Abnormal fluctuations of emotions may aggravate or rapidly worsen the condition.

答案: 正确

12、 Overeating cold and raw food can damage the spleen and stomach yang qi, resulting in internal cold and dampness, abdominal pain, diarrhea and other diseases.

答案: 正确

Week 5 Diagnosis methods: Inquiry (1) Unit test for Inquiry (1)

1、 When a patient consults the doctor or state his conditions, who would be the person to state the condition?

答案: Patient himself

2、 The patient feels aversion to cold, but it alleviates by putting on more clothes, staying near fire, drinking hot soup and so on. This is called:

答案: chilly

3、 Severe aversion to cold with light fever, this indicating that the patient is attacked by what kind of exogenous pathogenic factor?

答案: pathogenic cold (pathogenic wind-cold)

4、 Tidal fever at night, feverish sensation over five centers, hectic fever due to yin deficiency and so on can be seen in which disease:

答案: Yin deficiency and fever

5、 In exogenous wind-heat exterior syndrome, which of the following symptoms can be seen?

答案: high fever, light aversion to cold, sweat

6、 High fever and light aversion to cold are caused by what kind of pathogenic factor?

答案: pathogenic heat

7、 What diseases can be predisposed by preexisting health conditions?

答案: People who are weak tend to suffer from asthenia syndrome.;
People who have yin deficiency are susceptible to pathogenic warm and dryness and tend to suffer from heat syndrome.;
People who have yang deficiency are susceptible to pathogenic cold and dampness and tend to suffer from cold syndrome.;
People who are healthy tend to suffer from sthenia syndrome.

8、 The four major diseases of high fever refer to

答案: profuse sweating;
strong thirst;
extreme heat;
surging and large pulse

9、 Aversion to cold, fever and sweating appear simultaneously. This can be seen in

答案: Wind attack exterior syndrome;
Wind-heat exterior syndrome

10、 Simultaneous aversion to cold and fever can be seen in which exterior syndrome?

答案: wind-heat exterior syndrome;
wind attack exterior syndrome;
wind-cold exterior syndrome

11、 Which of the following statements is true?

答案: Alternative chills and fever is seen in semi-exterior semi-interior syndrome;
Chills without fever is seen in interior cold syndrome. New affection of aversion to cold is seen in interior sthenia cold syndrome, and the chronic aversion to cold is interior asthenia cold syndrome.;
Fever without chills is seen in heat syndrome. High fever is seen in interior sthenia heat syndrome. Low fever is often seen in interior asthenia heat syndrome.;
Simultaneous chills and fever is seen in exterior syndrome. It means that it can be seen in wind-cold exterior syndrome and wind-heat exterior syndrome.

12、 Chief complaint told by patients to doctors mainly include:

答案: the most painful;
physical signs;

13、 Chills without fever can be seen in:

答案: interior sthenia cold syndrome;
interior asthenia cold syndrome

14、 Spontaneous sweating refers to constant sweating during the day, especially after exercise. This is caused by (Yang) qi deficiency.

答案: 正确

15、 Sweat that is profuse when waking up during the day and sleeping at night is known as night sweat. It is a manifestation of yin deficiency.

答案: 错误

16、 Alternative chills and fever is mainly seen in semi-exterior semi-interior syndrome.

答案: 正确

Week 6 Diagnosis methods: Inquiry (2) Unit test for Inquiry (2)

1、 What is the characteristic of stomach and abdomen pain caused by spleen and stomach weakness?

答案: vague pain

2、 The patents has dry mouth and the desire for rinsing mouth but not swallowing. This can be seen in:

答案: blood stasis

3、 Dryness-heat impairing body fluid can be seen in:

答案: astringent taste in the mouth

4、 Patients have diarrhea when they are nervous or anxious. This is because:

答案: liver depression and spleen asthenia

5、 The urine change caused by deficiency of kidney yang and asthenia cold of lower energizer is:

答案: clear and profuse urine especially at night

6、 Sudden tinnitus which is as loud as the tide sound doesn’t alleviate when being pressed. It is because:

答案: fire exuberance of liver and gallbladder

7、 The general pathogenesis of lethargy is yang deficiency and yin exuberance. Yin exuberance here mainly refers to:

答案: phlegm-dampness encumbering spleen

8、 The manifestation of exhaustion of gastrosplenic qi is:

答案: suddenly having appetite after prolonged illness

9、 Normal stool should be:

答案: Once a day, smoothly formed, moderately wet and dry, no pus , blood mucus or undigested food.

10、 The symptom of damp-heat of bladder (damp-heat in lower energizer) is:

答案: scanty,brown, frequent, urgent and painful urination(frequent urination, urination urgency, urination pain)

11、 Chinese medicine attaches great importance to stomach qi. Presence of stomach qi indicates living and absence of stomach qi indicates death. How to distinguish if a patient has gastric qi?

答案: Judge from appetite and intake of food. If the patient has good appetite and wants to eat ,this indicates presence of gastric qi. If he doesn’t want to eat or eats very little, it indicates the inadequacy or absence of gastric qi.

12、 Sour taste in the mouth is because of:

答案: disharmony of liver and stomach

13、 Polyphagia with susceptibility to hunger and loose stools (eat a lot of food, but have loose bowels) are caused by:

答案: strong stomach and weak spleen

14、 Thirst and preference for cold drinks can be seen in:

答案: hyperactive interior heat syndrome

15、 Which of the following is not the characteristics of pain caused by blood stasis:

答案: distension pain;
wandering pain

16、 The general pathogenesis of insomnia can be summarized as yang exuberance and yin deficiency. The specific common symptoms of insomnia are as follows:

答案: retention of food in stomach;
phlegm-heat disturbing the heart;
flaming-up of liver-fire ;
disharmony of heart and kidney

17、 Common causes of reduced appetite are:

答案: dampness-heat of liver and gallbladder;
qi deficiency of spleen and stomach;
pathogenic dampness encumbering spleen

18、 The causes of pain include:

答案: qi stagnation, blood stasis, phlegm turbidity;
exogenous pathogenic factors attack;
kidney essence deficiency;
qi and blood deficiency

19、 Bitter taste in the mouth is common in:

答案: liver fire exuberance;
flaming- up of heart-fire

20、 The most common constipation is caused by deficiency of fluid and blood.

答案: 正确

21、 The frequency of urination at night is one time in healthy adults.

答案: 错误

22、 Sudden ear diseases are mostly sthenia syndrome and the pathological part is in the liver and gallbladder; chronic ear diseases are mostly asthenia stndrome and the pathological part is in the kidney.

答案: 正确





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