大学英语综合教程2(集美大学) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试


1. An impressive English lesson-1 1.4 Quiz

1、 The author thinks that students’ language deficits should be blamed on schools because the schools never teach grammar.

答案: 错误

2、 The schools fail to set high standards of English proficiency because the younger teachers don’t want to be tedious oddities in eyes of students.

答案: 错误

3、 The son feels curious about his father’s grammar lesson because his father handles different parts of speech in a sentence and discussed their specific grammatical functions delicately.

答案: 正确

4、 The author uses “road map” and “car” to describe grammar and vocabulary.

答案: 正确

5、 Both the interjection “whoa!” in paragraph 4 and paragraph 17 are used in the same situations and with the same feelings.

答案: 错误

6、 Directions: Fill in the blank in the following sentence with an exact word from the text.There are many different stories about the downturn in the proper use of English. ____ students should be able to distinguish。
答案: Surely

7、 Directions: Fill in the blank in the following sentence with an exact word from the text.students should be able to distinguish between their / there / they’re or the ____ difference between complimentary and complementary.
答案: distinctive

8、 Directions: Fill in the blank in the following sentence with an exact word from the text.They unfairly bear the bulk of the criticism for these knowledge ____ because there is a sense that they should know better.
答案: deficits

9、 Directions: Fill in the blank in the following sentence with an exact word from the text.Students are not dumb, but they are being misled ____ they look and listen.
答案: everywhere

10、 Directions: Fill in the blank in the following sentence with an exact word from the text.For example, signs in grocery stores point them to the stationary, even though the actual stationery items – pads, albums and notebooks – are not ____ down.
答案: nailed

11、 Directions: Fill in the blank in the following sentence with an exact word from the text.Friends and loved ones often proclaim they’ve just ate when, in fact, they’ve just eaten. ____, it doesn’t make any sense to criticize our students.
答案: Therefore

12、 Directions: Fill in the blank in the following sentence with an exact word from the text.Blame for the scandal of this language deficit should be thrust upon our schools, ____ should be setting high standards of English language proficiency.
答案: which

13、 Directions: Fill in the blank in the following sentence with an exact word from the text.Instead, they only teach a little grammar and even less advanced vocabulary. ____, the younger teachers themselves evidently have little knowledge of these vital structures of language.
答案: Moreover

14、 Directions: Fill in the blank in the following sentence with an exact word from the text.the younger teachers themselves evidently have little knowledge of these vital structures of language because they also went without ____ to them.
答案: exposure

15、 Directions: Fill in the blank in the following sentence with an exact word from the text.Schools fail to adequately teach the essential framework of language, accurate grammar and proper vocabulary, ____ they should take the responsibility of pushing the young onto the path of competent communication.
答案: while

2. An impressive English lesson-2 2.5 quiz


1、 __, he has earned himself a lot of respect, yet he is always modest and accessible.

答案: With all his profound knowledge

2、 There are many well-known professors in our university, of which he is the most__ one in his specialized field.

答案: distinguished

3、 Though having been living in the States for more than 10 years, she still has a__ British accent when she talks.

答案: distinctive

4、 Repeated failures lead to success and prove to be__ to us as we experiment every day to find out the right way of doing things.

答案: beneficial

5、 Mr. Collins argues that it is unrealistic for his secretary to do anything for any real purpose before she has reached the level of__ with computers.

答案: proficiency

6、 Please come with me to revisit our university. It is very likely that you would_a friend that you haven’t seen for a long time.

答案: run into

7、 Some people from the States have decided, just _____ curiosity, to make a tour in the space even though it will cost about tens of millions of US dollars.

答案: out of

8、 For our new semester, another two phonetic labs will also__ computers and video cameras for our online language learning.

答案: be equipped with

9、 No one is going to appreciate you if you ____ making changes which will cause real troubles and problems in our work.

答案: end up

10、 The wounded had to be left _____ when the defeated army left. I wonder who were able to stay with and take care of them.

答案: behind

11、 My son thought of me as a tedious person because I liked talking about rules of grammar.

答案: 正确

12、 I was satisfied with my student’s ”whoa” when I asked her how her excursion to Europe was.

答案: 错误

13、 My son seldom made grammatical mistakes though he had always been resistant to grammar learning.

答案: 错误

14、 The “whoa” at the end of the text is used to show my surprise and pride of his son’s performance in grammar.

答案: 正确

15、 Today, American English is particularly___, due to the popularity of American cinema, television, music, trade and technology, including the Internet. (influence; 请用所给单词的合适形式填空。)
答案: influential

16、 In regard to the development of moral standards in the growing child,___ is very important when parents teach their children. (consistent; 请用所给单词的合适形式填空。)
答案: consistency

17、 1. Bothwereessentialandneitherwassuperiorto theother;theywerenotinconflictbut_______,eachwithitsownsphereofcompetence.(complement;请用所给单词的合适形式填空。)
答案: complementary

18、 __, he has earned himself a lot of respect, yet he is always modest and accessible.

答案: With all his profound knowledge accessible

19、 Directions: Read the following passage carefully. The passage is followed by some questions or unfinished sentences. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best answer to each question.Questions 11 to 15 are based on the same passage. Grammar is an aspect of language about which learners have different opinions. Some learners are very interested in finding out or learning grammar rules and doing lots of grammar exercises. Others hate grammar and think it is the most boring part of learning a new language. Whatever opinion you have, however, you cannot escape from grammar; it is in every sentence you read or write, speak or hear. Grammar is simply the word for the rules that people follow when they use a language. We need those rules in the same way as we need the rules in a game. If there are no rules, or if everybody follows their own rules, the game would soon break down. It’s the same with language; without rules we would not be able to communicate with other people. So you cannot escape from grammar, but the key question here is: What is the best way to learn grammar You can learn the rules of a game by simply playing the game. You will certainly make mistakes; you may even get hurt. Eventually, however, you will know how to play. Of course, the rules of a language are very much more complicated than the rules of any game, but in fact this is exactly how you learned your own language. Nobody taught you the rules of your mother tongue as you were growing up but now you never make a grammar mistake. Most people learning a new language do not have so much time and such an ideal situation. So, there is no easy answer to the question. There are just as many different opinions about teaching grammar as there are about learning grammar. Many teachers believe in the importance of grammar lessons devoted to a study of language rules and lots of practice exercises. Other teachers feel that grammar is best learned by doing different language activities without focusing so directly on the rules. Whatever your opinion about grammar and whichever is the way you are taught, you need to use different strategies to help you learn grammar more effectively.Question 11 is based on the above passage.How is grammar defined in the passage


答案: Grammar is a set of rules that are used in a language.

20、 Question 12 is based on the passage of question 11.According to the passage, why is learning grammar important

答案: It makes communication possible

21、 Question 13 is based on the passage of question 11.In the writer’s opinion, what is the best way to learn grammar

答案: Learning grammar naturally as you grow up.

22、 Question 14 is based on the passage of question 11.What’s the difference between teachers’ opinions in the way of learning grammar

答案: More exercises vs. more activities. span>

23、 Question 15 is based on the passage of question 11.What is the main idea of the passage

答案: There are different ways to learn grammar.

3. The humanities: Out of date?-1 3.5 Quiz


1、 English or history majors are considered less competitive when the job market is shrinking.

答案: 正确

2、 Because tuition is climbing higher and higher, many students have run away from studying the humanities.

答案: 正确

3、 Sigmund Freud, a famous psychologist, regarded human inner forces as the intentional mind, or more familiar to us, the manpower.

答案: 错误

4、 The ideal capacity for establishing one’s career is to have insight and understand the passions, hopes and dreams common to all humanity.

答案: 正确

5、 Such famous people as Dr. Harold Varmus, who won a Nobel Prize for Medicine, should attribute their success to their previous study of science.

答案: 错误

6、 Directions: Fill in the blank in the following sentence with an exact word from the text.Studying the humanities _____ your ability to read and write.
答案: improves

7、 Directions: Fill in the blank in the following sentence with an exact word from the text.No _____ whatwe do in life, we will have a huge advantage.
答案: matter

8、 Directions: Fill in the blank in the following sentence with an exact word from the text.we will have a hugeadvantageif we can read _____ ideas and understand their meaning.
答案: complex

9、 Directions: Fill in the blank in the following sentence with an exact word from the text.We will have a bright careerif we are the person in the office who can write a clear and ____ analysis of those ideas!
答案: elegant

10、 Directions: Fill in the blank in the following sentence with an exact word from the text.Studying the humanities makes us____ with the language of emotion and the creative process.
答案: familiar

11、 Directions: Fill in the blank in the following sentence with an exact word from the text.In an information economy, many people have the ability to produce a useful _____ such as a new MP3 player.
答案: product

12、 Directions: Fill in the blank in the following sentence with an exact word from the text.Yet, very few people have the ability to create a ____ brand: the iPod.
答案: spectacular

13、 Directions: Fill in the blank in the following sentence with an exact word from the text.Most importantly, studying the humanities investsus with great _____ and self-awareness.
答案: insight

14、 Directions: Fill in the blank in the following sentence with an exact word from the text.Most importantly, studying the humanities investsus with great self-awareness, ____ releasing our creative energy and talent in a positive and constructive manner.
答案: thereby

15、 Directions: Fill in the blank in the following sentence with an exact word from the text.Perhaps the best argument in favor of the humanitites is the _____ of possibilities that are widely open to us.
答案: scope

16、 “The going gets tough” in the 1st paragraph means labor markets struggle.

答案: 正确
分析:(paragraph 1) When the going gets tough, the tough take accounting. When the job market worsens, ……
(paragraph 3) Over the next few years, as labor markets struggle, the humanities will probably continue their long slide in succession.

17、 According to the author, students tend to take job-oriented courses because they are not interested in humanities.

答案: 错误
分析:As the tuition is climbing higher and higher, many students have run away from studying the humanities and toward “hard” skills that they think will lead to employment.
(paragraph 2)The data show that as students have incresingly shouldered the ever rising cost of tuition, they have defected from the study of the humanities and toward applied science and “hard” skills that they bet will lead to employment.

18、 Because this inner force can be constructive or destructive, the author thinks humanities are less compelling than sciences.

答案: 错误
分析:(paragraph 4) here, please allow me to stand up for and promote the true value that the humanities add to people’s live.)
(paragraph5) From the beginning of time, this inner aspect of our being, this drive that can be constructive or destrutive, has captured our imagination.

19、 In modern life, the ideal capacity for establishing one’s career is to have technical knowledge.

答案: 错误
分析:An ideal capacity for establishing one’s career is to have both technical knowledge and inner insight, not just one without the other.
(paragraph 9) In fact, incresasingly a pairing of technical knowledge and inner insight is seen as the ideal in the establishment of a career.

20、 According to the author, well-rounded human beings are those who have insight and understand the passions, hopes and dreams common to all humanity.

答案: 正确
分析:(paragraph 10) In summary, the humanities help to create well-rounded human beings with insight and understanding of the passions, hopes and dreams common to all humanity.

4. The humanities: Out of date?-2 4.5 Quiz


1、 Growth will _____ to 2.9 per cent next year.

答案: accelerate

2、 Duties and taxes are the most obvious _____ to free trade.

答案: barrier

3、 From this you can _____ the total mass in the Galaxy.

答案: calculate

4、 Adams took a _____ of jobs which have stood him in goodstead.

答案: succession

5、 I ______ himto give up the plan.

答案: compelled

6、 He was a man with considerable _____.

答案: insight

7、 There was a_sunriseyesterday.

答案: spectacular

8、 The ______ of war and the death of millions of young people shook the foundations of Westernidealism.

答案: destruction

9、 They stood ______ what they believed to be right.

答案: up for

10、 Offenders will be _____ a seven-year prison term.

答案: liable to

11、 It is the child’s first taste of living away from home, in the place where he must stand on his own two feet, and where he must standup ____himself.(填介词)
答案: for

12、 The Chinese People Congress has voted in favor___the Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River, the biggest hydroelectric project in the world. (填介词)
答案: of

13、 This is not good reporting, which should involve all of the key facts and an account of those facts___an objective manner. (填介词)
答案: in

14、 Grasses and flowers in a desert survive from one year to the next by existing through the long, hot, and dry season___the formofseeds. (填介词)
答案: in

15、 According to the professor, if you are invested___common-sense ideas, you will have necessary skills for a lifetime employment.(填介词)
答案: with

16、 Directions: Read the following passage carefully. The passage is followed by some questions or unfinished sentences. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best answer to each question.Questions 1 to 5 are based on the same passage. Today, colleges and universities are under strong attack. Teachers are not doing a good job of teaching, and students are not doing a good job of learning. College graduates lack both basic skills and general knowledge. One aspect of college education, too seldom challenged, is the lecture system. One problem with lectures is that listening intelligently is hard work. Reading the same material in a textbook is a more efficient way to learn because students can adjust the speed as they need to until the subject matter becomes clear to them. Even simply paying attention is very difficult: people can listen at a rate of 400 to 600 words a minute, while the most enthusiastic professor talks at a much faster speed. Worse still, attending lectures is passive learning, at least for inexperienced listeners. Active learning, in which students write essays or perform experiments and then have their work evaluated by an instructor, is far more beneficial for those who have not yet fully learned how to learn. While it’s true that techniques of active listening can enhance the value of a lecture, few students possess such skills at the beginning of their college careers. What they do is usually write everything down. Students need to question their professors and to have their ideas taken seriously. Only then will they develop the analytical skills required to think intelligently and creatively. Most students learn best by engaging in frequent and even heated debate. Smaller classes in which students are required to involve themselves in discussion put an end to students’ passivity. Students become actively involved when forced to question their own ideas as well as the professor’s. Classes like this require energy, imagination, and commitment from both the teacher and students. Students are compelled to share responsibility for their own intellectual growth. Lectures will never entirely disappear from the university both because they seem to be economically necessary and they spring from a long tradition. If lecture classes were restricted to junior and senior undergraduates, they would be far less destructive of students’ interest and enthusiasms than the present system.Question 11 is based on the above passage.Why does the author argue that a lecture class is not efficient

答案: Students don’t have listening ability at the beginning.

17、 Question 12 is based on the passage of question 11.”Passive learning” means__.

答案: writing everything down from the lecture





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