When you are writing a letter to your new customer, you may think about the following factors_______.答案:Have you used sp



When you are writing a letter to your new customer, you may think about the following factors_______.答案:Have you used specific and definite terms in making an offer or requiring a response?    Is your message concrete? Business writing differs from other types of writing in that it is not really successful unless it arouses readers’ attention and receives their responses. 答案:正确 To make their writing effective, business writers often apply 7C’s Principles (i.e. clarity, conciseness, correctness, concreteness, creativeness, consideration and courtesy) to their writing. 答案:错误 Courtesy means treating people with respect and friendly human concern. Writers try to consider the reader’s desires, problems, circumstances, emotions and probable reactions to their request. 答案:√ Consideration focuses on “I” or “we” (the writer) instead of “you” (the reader). I-centered writing is the key to successful business. 答案:×





When you are writing a letter to your new customer, you may think about the following factors_______.答案:Have you used sp第1张

When you are writing a letter to your new customer, you may think about the following factors_______.答案:Have you used sp第2张



According to the successful salesperson Summer, what are the principles we should follow in business writing? 答案:politeness clear correct concise

  • A


  • B


  • C


  • D


Most students agree that business writing is an important part to future career. 答案:


The letterhead helps to form the impression of the writer’s firm, usually containing all or some of the following elements: the company’s name and address, postcode, telephone number, fax number, e-mail address, even web address, and etc. 答案:

It is usually to show the date in the order of day/month/year (American practice), or month/day/year (British practice). 答案:×

Even if the receiver is known to the writer personally, a formal greeting such as “Dear Sir(s)” or “Dear Madam(s)” is used.答案:错误

There are “Your ref” and “Our ref”, which are codes assigned to the letter by the recipient and sender of the letter. 答案:正确

The inside address contains full postal address and post code only.

The salutation is a greeting to the recipient. It varies according to the context. However, there is no need to match it with the complimentary close. 答案:错误

The subject line states the gist of what the letter is about. The short form “Re.” may precede the phrase that carries the subject matter. 答案:正确

The enclosure indicates materials or documents enclosed. The short form “Encs” is often used when there is one item enclosed. 答案:错误

If the sender of the letter does not wish the recipient to know that other people are receiving copies of the letter, a “cc” is sent. 答案:×


The full block form layout is the most widely used method of display for business documents. 答案:正确


When you are writing a letter to your new customer, you may think about the following factors_______.答案:Have you used specific and definite terms in making an offer or requiring a response?    Is your message concrete?

  • AIs your message concrete?
  • BDoes the customer really want to buy your product?
  • CWhen will the customer reply
  • DHave you used specific and definite terms in making an offer or requiring a response?

Business writing differs from other types of writing in that it is not really successful unless it arouses readers’ attention and receives their responses. 答案:正确

To make their writing effective, business writers often apply 7C’s Principles (i.e. clarity, conciseness, correctness, concreteness, creativeness, consideration and courtesy) to their writing. 答案:错误

Courtesy means treating people with respect and friendly human concern. Writers try to consider the reader’s desires, problems, circumstances, emotions and probable reactions to their request. 答案:

Consideration focuses on “I” or “we” (the writer) instead of “you” (the reader). I-centered writing is the key to successful business. 答案:×

Correctness principle comprises correct grammar and punctuation only. 答案:错误

Conciseness means avoiding unnecessary repetition and wordy expressions, including only relevant facts (with courtesy), and organizing effectively. 答案:

Use short sentences with correct words (avoid ambiguous wording and use precise words instead of almost-precise words). 答案:

“Please airmail us the latest price list and sample for our reference. ” The above example violates the concreteness principle. 答案:错误


When you reply to an inquiry from a customer, try to answer all questions stated or implied. A prospective customer’s reaction to an incomplete reply is likely to be unfavorable. 答案:


When writing business emails, you’d better not to use______ .答案:ABCD

  • Aslangs
  • Babbreviations
  • Cmultiple exclamation points
  • Demojis

The subject needs to be concise. 答案:正确

When it comes to your professional image, a sloppily composed email can do more damage than a weak handshake or a wrinkled suit. 答案:

We can use “Good morning” or “Good afternoon” in the beginning of an email as salutation. 答案:正确

Emails are quite private and confidential. 答案:错误

In business email, it is typical to have your title closely after your name, which implies your authority. 答案:正确

As with any piece of business writing, you don’t need proofreading when you finish writing emails. 答案:×

It is rare to see the big part of privacy notice in the end of emails. 答案:×

Emails allow us to keep projects moving when our co-workers are unavailable or on the other side of the world. 答案:


It is very common to have your way of contact and company website address in the signature part of your email. 答案:


We avail ourselves___ this opportunity ___approach you ___the establishment of trade relations with you. 答案:of, to, for

  • Aof, for, to
  • Bof, to, for
  • Cfor, of, in
  • Dfor, to, to

We are sending you the samples____requested. 答案:as

  • Abe
  • Bare
  • Cas
  • Dfor

We are sure that both of our companies will____from the joint venture. 答案:benefit

  • Amake benefit
  • Bbenefit
  • Cbe benefited
  • Dmutual benefit

In the following, which statements belong to the good tips for drafting a successful initial letter or email? 答案:Maintaining your branding in your email.  Don’t leave the customer guessing. Offering additional resources.

  • ADon’t leave the customer guessing.
  • BMaintaining your branding in your email.
  • COffering additional resources.
  • DDon’t indicate the detailed address to the customer.

Which websites in the following belong to B2B platform? 答案:www.busytrade.com www.alibaba.com www. made-in-china.com

  • Aalibaba.com
  • Bbusytrade.com
  • Ctaobao.com
  • D made-in-china.com

The purpose of establishing business relations includes_______.答案:expanding new markets consolidating existing relations seeking new customers

  • Aseeking new customers
  • Bconsolidating existing relations
  • Cmaking new friends
  • Dexpanding new markets

The chamber of commerce is an organization of business people that promotes international commercial interests. 答案:错误

The initial letter does not refer to the letter of establishing business relations. 答案:错误

When we draft an initial letter, we must introduce our own company first. 答案:×


The letter we sent 2 days ago is an enquiry____color TV sets. 答案:for

  • Aabout
  • Bfor
  • Cof
  • Das

There is steady demand here____leather gloves of high quality. 答案:for

  • Ain
  • Bof
  • Cfor
  • Don

We would be pleased to send you some samples of our new cell phones on approval,____our own expense. 答案:at

  • Aat
  • Bon
  • Cfor
  • Din

Please____to let us have your offer as soon as possible. 答案:do your best

  • Amake your best
  • Bdo your best
  • Cmake the best
  • Ddo the best

____your prices are right, you will find a ready market in our market. 答案:Provided If

  • AIf
  • BTo provide
  • CProvided
  • DProvide

We can make an enquiry by_______.答案:phone fax email

  • Aphone
  • Bsocial media
  • Cemail
  • Dfax

An enquiry is a request from the buyer for information on the supply of certain goods with engagement. 答案:×

When we make an enquiry, we will surely receive a response from the customer. 答案:×

In a letter of specific enquiry, it’s not necessary for the buyer to indicate the name of the goods he wants to buy. 答案:×


Sometimes general enquiry can be an initial letter. 答案:


We are sending you separately our latest catalogue with details of the various _____ we handle. 答案:ranges

  • Aranges
  • Bprices
  • Cmodels
  • Dlines

Please note that a 5%____applies to orders for each item exceeding 1000. 答案:discount

  • Acharge
  • Bfee
  • Cdiscount
  • Dcost

Compared with your last quotations for North America, we find the current_____rather high. 答案:price

  • Aoffer
  • Benquiry
  • Corder
  • Dprice

The above prices are on a CIF San Francisco____.答案:basis

  • Aoffer
  • Bbasis
  • Ccounteroffer
  • Drequest

To be frank with you, the price we quoted you only allow us a very small____of profits. 答案:margin

  • Aquotation
  • Bmargin
  • Corder
  • Dprice

An offer is the wish of the seller to sell particular goods under stated terms. 答案:

Companies in international business often conclude a deal through a process of offer-counter and offer-acceptance. 答案:正确

Once an offer is made, the buyer must accept it within the time limit given in the offer. 答案:错误

A counteroffer can be made by either a seller or a buyer in a business transaction. 答案:


A seller can make either an offer or a bid in different circumstances. 答案:×


Please ship the ten chests of tea_____our Order No. 2213 at an early date. 答案:covered by

  • Acovered by
  • Bcovering
  • Cto be covered
  • Dwhich covers

We thank you for your letter of May 5,_____ your purchase from us of 200 metric tons of peanuts. 答案:confirming

  • Aconfirm
  • Bto confirm
  • Cconfirming
  • Dconfirmed

We are pleased to_____the following transactions with you. 答案:have finalized

  • Ahave resulted
  • Bhave finalized
  • Chave materialized
  • Dhave been closed

We are pleased that we have booked_____ 2000 pieces of bicycles. 答案:an order with you for

  • Ayour order
  • Bwith you
  • Can order with you
  • Dan order with you for

We_____ our Purchase Contract No. 93124 in duplicate with our signature. 答案:enclose  attach hereto

  • Aattach in
  • Battach with
  • Cenclose
  • Dattach hereto

An order is a request to supply a specified quantity of goods. 答案:

The order can be made by email but not by phone. 答案:×

Initial order is the same to trial order. 答案:×

Duplicate order means buyers are satisfied with the goods, so they place an order again with the same terms and conditions of the last order. 答案:


An order should include specification and description of goods, prices involving unit price and total value, quantity and packing. But it should not include terms of payment. 答案:×


It is laid down in our S/C that the covering of L/C______before the end of August.答案:A

  • Ais to be reached
  • Bis to be arrived here
  • Cis to reach here
  • Dis to receive here

We believe we can______ if you agree to pay by D/P at sight.答案:B

  • Aput the business through
  • Bmaterialize the business
  • Cresult the business
  • Dclose a business

If the seller finds any discrepancies in the letter of credit, whom does he ask for an amendment? 答案:The buyer

  • AThe issuing bank
  • BThe advising bank
  • CThe buyer
  • DThe negotiating bank

The description of merchandise on the letter of credit must be identical to that on the____.答案:sales contract

  • Ainsurance policy
  • Bsales contract
  • Cinvoice
  • Dcertificate of origin

After signing the sales contract, the importer should establish the L/C according to the contract without delay. 答案:

The phrase “observing the contract once you have signed it” is to remind the buyers of reading the contract carefully when they are signing it. 答案:×

The importer dislikes messages requiring L/C extension and amendment. 答案:

The date of shipment and the validity of L/C should be extended to the same date. 答案:×

The exporter insists that “5% more or less” be added to the clause of quantity because it is impossible to ship the exact amount for bulk goods. 答案:


What does a symbol usually contains? 答案:Name of importer

  • AName of importer
  • BOrigin of goods
  • CWeight
  • DMeasurement

Pens are packed 10 pieces ____ a box and 200 boxes ____ a wooden case 答案:to; to

  • Ato; in
  • Bto; to
  • Cin; of
  • Dof; to

Packing list is prepared by the ____ and sent to the ____for accurate tallying of the delivered goods. 答案:shipper; consignee

  • Ashipper; consignee
  • Bconsignee; shipper
  • Cshipper; consignor
  • Dconsignor; shipper

Which of the following abbreviation is completely right? 答案:Voy.: 航次

  • AW: 毛重
  • BW: 净重
  • CP/I: 订单确认文件
  • D: 航次

Packing list can be generally added in ____, but if it is required in L/C, that must be made according to L/C. 答案:commercial invoice

  • Aformal invoice
  • Bproforma invoice
  • Ccommercial invoice
  • Dcontact

What is usually filled in the head of packing list number? 答案:Contract number

  • AInvoice number
  • BContract number
  • CBill of lading number
  • DPolicy number

When making packing list, ________ are not generally included. 答案:Unit price; total account

  • AUnit price; total account
  • BProduct name; total accoun
  • CNumber of packages; product name
  • DUnit price; product name

What does a symbol of shipping mark can be? 答案:A diamond A triangle A rectangle

  • AA triangle
  • BA circle
  • CA rectangle
  • DA diamond

Packing can be divided into _____.答案:inner packing  sales packing transport packing

  • Atransport packing
  • Bouter packing
  • Cinner packing
  • Dsales packing

