An outcome of an experiment is called _. A an event B a priori elements C a probability D a complement 答案  an event



An outcome of an experiment is called _. A an event B a priori elements C a probability D a complement 答案  an event


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An outcome of an experiment is called _. A an event B a priori elements C a probability D a complement 答案  an event第1张

An outcome of an experiment is called _. A an event B a priori elements C a probability D a complement 答案  an event第2张


Penny Bauer, Chief Financial Officer of Harrison Haulage, suspects irregularities in the payroll system, and orders an inspection of ‘each and every payroll voucher issued since 1 January 2005’. Five per cent of the payroll vouchers contained material errors. This is an example of ____.


A nonparametric statistics
B nominal data
C descriptive statistics
D inferential statistics
答案  descriptive statistics

Michael Bayley, Marketing Director of UniPower’s Electrical Division, is leading a study to identify and assess the relative importance of product features. Michael directs his staff to design a survey questionnaire for distribution to all of UniPower’s 954 customers. For this study, the set of 954 customers is a ____.

A statistic

B population
C parameter

D sample

答案  population

Claudia Taylor, Director of Global Industrial Sales in Melbourne, is concerned by a deteriorating sales trend. Specifically, the number of customers is stable at 1500 but they are purchasing less each year. She orders her staff to search for causes of the downward trend by selecting a focus group of 40 industrial customers. For this study, the set of 40 industrial customers is a _.

A statistic
B sample
C population
D parameter
答案  sample

A politician who is running for the office of premier in a state with 3 million registered voters commissions a survey. In the survey, 53.6% of the 5000 registered voters interviewed say they plan to vote for him. The population of interest is the

A 3 million registered voters in the state.
B 5000 registered voters interviewed.
C 53.6 % of, or 2680, voters interviewed who plan to vote for him
D 46.4% of, or 2320, voters interviewed who plan not to vote for him
答案  3 million registered voters in the state.

Simon Arnett, Director of Human Resources, is exploring the causes of employee absenteeism at Buderim Bottling during the last operating year (1 January 2005 to 31 December 2005). The average number of absences per employee, calculated from the personnel data of all employees, is a _______.

A population
B sample
C parameter
D statistic
答案  parameter

A summary measure that is computed from a sample to describe a characteristic of the population is called

A a parameter
B a statistic
C a population
D Both A and C are correct, since they are the same
答案  a statistic

Simon Arnett, Director of Human Resources, is exploring the causes of employee absenteeism at Buderim Bottling during the last operating year (1 January 2005 to 31 December 2005). Personnel records of 50 employees are selected for analysis. (The plant employs 250.) For this study, the average number days absent for these 50 employees is a ____.

A population
B sample
C parameter
D statistic
答案  statistic

Descriptive statistics deals with methods of

A organising data.
B summarising data
C presenting data in a convenient and informative way
D doing all of the above
答案  doing all of the above

Which of the following statements is not true?

A One form of descriptive statistics uses graphical techniques
B One form of descriptive statistics uses numerical techniques
C In the language of statistics, the term population refers to a group of people
D Statistical inference is used to draw conclusions or inferences about characteristics of populations based on sample data
答案  In the language of statistics, the term population refers to a group of people

A student achieves an 82 on the first test in a statistics course. From this, she assumes that her average at the end of the semester (after other tests) will be about 82. This is an example of _______.

A descriptive statistics
B inferential statistics
C nonparametric statistics
D wishful thinking
答案  inferential statistics

Which of the following is not the goal of descriptive statistics?

A Summarising data
B Displaying aspects of the collected data
C Reporting numerical findings

D Estimating characteristics of the population
答案  Estimating characteristics of the population

If data are grouped into intervals and the number of items in each group is listed, this could be called a ___.

A ogive
B histogram
C frequency distribution
D stem and leaf plot
答案  histogram

If the individual class frequency is divided by the total frequency, the result is the ____.

A midpoint frequency
B cumulative frequency

C stem and leaf plot
D relative frequency
答案  relative frequency

A cumulative frequency polygon is also called ___.

A an ogive
B a histogram
C a frequency polygon
D a stem and leaf plot
答案  an ogive

The number of class intervals in a frequency distribution is usually between _____.

A 3 and 5
B 7 and 9
C 5 and 15
D 1 and 25
答案  5 and 15

One advantage of a stem and leaf plot over a frequency distribution is that ____.

A it contains more class intervals
B the values of the original data are retained

the class midpoints are used as the stem

D the class midpoints are used as the leaf
答案  the values of the original data are retained

One rule that must always be followed in constructing frequency distributions is that __.

A the number of classes must be less than 10

each data point can only fall into one class

C the width of each class is equal to the range
D the number of intervals must be an odd number
答案  each data point can only fall into one class

Which of the following is best to show the percentage of a total budget that is spent on each category of items?

A histogram
B ogive
C stem and leaf chart
D pie chart
答案  pie chart

A cumulative frequency distribution would provide _______.

A a graph of a frequency distribution
B a running total of the frequencies in the classes
C the proportion of the total frequencies which fall into each class
D a very cloudy picture of the frequencies
答案  a running total of the frequencies in the classes

The number of phone calls arriving at a switchboard each hour has been recorded and the following frequency distribution has been developed.

Class Interval Frequency
20-under 40 30
40-under 60 45
60-under 80 80
80-under 100 45


What is the cumulative frequency of the third class?

A 80
B 0.40
C 155
D 75
答案  155

The number of phone calls arriving at a switchboard each hour has been recorded and the following frequency distribution has been developed.

Class Interval Frequency
20-under 40 30
40-under 60 45
60-under 80 80
80-under 100 45


What is the approximate range of the number of phone calls arriving each hour?

A 80
B 200
C 20
D 100
答案  80

Simon Arnett, Director of Human Resources, is exploring employee absenteeism at the Buderim Bottling during the last operating year. A sample of six personnel records produced the following data  0, 2, 4, 7, 2, 9. The variance of the number absences per employee is ______.

A 11.6
B 9.67
C 3.41
D 3.11
答案  11.6

Jessica Salas, Managing Director of Salas Products, is reviewing the warranty policy for her company’s new model of car batteries. Life tests performed on a sample of 100 batteries indicated  (1) an average life of 75 months, (2) a standard deviation of 5 months, and (3) battery life is approximately normally distributed. Approximately 68% of the batteries will last between ____.

A 70 and 80 months
B 60 and 90 months
C 65 and 85 months
D 55 and 95 months
答案  70 and 80 months

The average starting salary for graduates at a university is ,000 with a standard deviation of 00. A histogram of the data shows the shape to be very erratic so Chebyshev’s Theorem should be used. How many of the graduates would have a starting salary between 21,000 and 29,000?

A at least 75%
B at least 89%
C at least 68%
D at least 95%
答案  at least 75%

The sample standard deviation is found by taking the square root of _.

A the sample mean

B the sample variance
C the coefficient of variation
D the mean absolute deviation
答案  the sample variance

The number of standard deviations that a value (X) is above or below the mean is the _.

A absolute deviation
B coefficient of variation
C interquartile range
D Z score
答案  Z score

In a histogram, the proportion of the total area that must be to the left of the median is( )

A exactly 0.50.
B less than 0.50 if the distribution is skewed to the left
C more than 0.50 if the distribution is skewed to the right
D between 0.25 and 0.60 if the distribution is symmetric and unimodal
答案  exactly 0.50.

Which of the following is NOT a measure of central tendency?

A mean
B median
C variance
D mode
答案  variance

Another term for average is ______.

A mode
B mean
C median
D variance
答案  mean

If the mean of a distribution is greater than the median, then the distribution is ______.

A not skewed
B symmetrical about its mean
C skewed to the left
D skewed to the right
答案  skewed to the right

The mean is not affected by the extreme values.

A 对
B 错
答案  错

A process that produces outcomes is called _.

A an event
B an experiment
C a result
D population equivalent
答案  an experiment

Which of the following is NOT a legitimate probability value?

A 0.67
B 15/16
C 0.23
D 4/3
答案  4/3

An outcome of an experiment is called _.

A an event
B a priori elements
C a probability
D a complement
答案  an event

The list of all elementary events for an experiment is called _.

A the sample space
B the exhaustive list
C the population space
D the event union
答案  the sample space

If A and B are mutually exclusive events with P(A) = 0.70, then P(B):( )

A can take any value between 0 and 1
B can take any value between 0 and 0.70
C cannot be larger than 0.30
D cannot be determined from the information given
答案  cannot be larger than 0.30

If an event is in set X but is not in set Y, which of the following is true?

A it is not in the union of X and Y
B it is in the union of X and Y

C it is in the intersection of X and Y
D it is in both the union and intersection of X and Y
答案  it is in the union of X and Y

If the occurrence of one event does not affect the occurrence of another event, then the two events are _.

A mutually exclusive
B complements
C independent
D elementary events
答案  independent

Let A be the event that a student is enrolled in an accounting course, and let S be the event that a student is enrolled in a statistics course. It is known that 30% of all students are enrolled in an accounting course and 40% of all students are enrolled in statistics. Included in these numbers are 15% who are enrolled in both statistics and accounting. Find P(S).

A 0.15
B 0.30
C 0.40
D 0.55
答案  0.40

Given P(A) = 0.40, P(B) = 0.50, P(A  B) = 0.15. Which of the following is true?

A A and B are independent
B A and B are mutually exclusive
C A and B are collectively exhaustive
D A and B are not independent
答案  A and B are not independent

Meagan Davies manages a portfolio of 200 common stocks. Her staff classified the portfolio stocks by ‘industry sector’ and ‘investment objective’.


Investment Industry Sector
Objective Electronics Airlines Healthcare Total
Growth 100 10 40 150
Income 20 20 10 50
Total 120 30 50 200


Which of the following is NOT true?

A Growth and Income are complementary events.
B Electronics and Growth are dependent.
C Electronics and Healthcare are mutually exclusive.
D Airlines and Healthcare are collectively exhaustive.
答案  Airlines and Healthcare are collectively exhaustive.

