Daoism and Eugene ONeills Plays(全英文)(华东理工大学)1463664441 中国大学慕课答案2024完整版100分



1.Preface Vocabulary quiz for 1

1、 Directions: Choose synonyms or synonymous phrases to the underlined words:The cognitive content should first be based on whether one’s words and deeds conform to the traditional Chinese code of conduct and (the) inherent cultural characteristics of this society.

A:follow by
B:form with
C:comply with
D:confront with
答案: comply with

2、 One standard for distinguishing good from bad is to refer to the non-contentious, harmonious nature of water.

答案: uncontroversial

3、 Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases you’ve heard in Preface: My way to seek Dao.My initial wish was to i_____(整合)the classical culture of China into the curriculum.
答案: integrate

4、 I thought academic English focused more on cultivating people’s “skills” rather than “m_____(道德)”, which is encouraged by general education.
答案: morality

5、 Directions: Spell the words according to the context clues.To build a platform for e__ communication between Chinese and Western cultures. (fair)
答案: equitable

6、 My educational background and knowledge of Daoism were not so c__(able to make you believe that something is true or right).
答案: convincing

2.Biography and Spiritual Realm of Laozi Vocabulary quiz for 2.1.

1、 It is assumed that Laozi must have lived ___two historical periods in Chinese history known as Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. (time: 2:44)

A:at the junction of
B: in the connection
C: on the adjunction of
D: conjunction
答案: at the junction of

2、 These were ______ times, when feudal states were at war with one another and the Zhou Dynasty was in decline. (time: 2:44)

答案: turbulent

3、 Directions: Choose synonyms or synonymous phrases to the underlined words:It is not really an issue of which system is better, but to the uninitiated, the examples above from the new system are certainly less misleading than those of the old system.(time :1:20)

A:those who have less special knowledge of sth
B:those who are deficient in relevant experience
C:the learned person
D:the wise men
答案: those who have less special knowledge of sth;
those who are deficient in relevant experience

4、 Diverse concerned thinkers came forth with remedies of all kinds for the troubles of the time. (time:3:09)

B:a way of dealing with a problem or difficulty
答案: solutions;
a way of dealing with a problem or difficulty

5、 Directions: Spell the words according to the context clues.This is the m____ Records of the Grand Historian written by Si Maqian, China’s greatest historian of the Han Dynasty. (very important and having a great influence) (time:1:35)
答案: monumental

6、 Confucius, Zhuangzi and some philosophers in the west have offered an insightful and p______ information for my course. (relevant ) (time: 7:28)
答案: pertinent

2.Biography and Spiritual Realm of Laozi Vocabulary quiz for 2.3.

1、 Directions: Choose the synonyms or synonymous phrases to the underlined words:Dao basically refers to the origin of the universe that defies the mind and language of man.(time 4:11)

答案: disobeys

2、 Abstaining from speech marks him who is obeying the spontaneity of his nature. (time: 8:04)

答案: abiogenesis

3、 This honoring of the Tao and exalting of its operation is not the result of any ordination, but always a spontaneous tribute. (time:8:33)

A:cheer, declaration, feature
B:acclaiming, appointment, present
C:recognizing, point, payment
D:acclaimed, indication, attribute
答案: acclaiming, appointment, present

4、 He learns what other men do not learn, and turns back to what the multitude of men have passed by.(time:9:00)

答案: mass

5、 The heavens and the earth are not biased and let all things grow naturally. (time:9:37)

答案: tendentious

6、 ”Sages” are not partial to personal interests and let the people develop themselves.(time:9:37)

答案: impartial

7、 Choose the English equivalence for “为学日益,为道日损。” (Time :00:45)

A:To work on learning is to increase day by day; to work on Tao (the Way, the Truth) is to decrease day by day.
B:If you can hold on to Dao, the world will come to you!
C:Learning consists in adding to one’s stock day by day; The practice of Tao consists in “subtracting day by day.
D:He who devotes himself to learning (seeks) from day to day to increase (his knowledge); He who devotes himself to the Tao (seeks) from day to day to diminish (his doing).
答案: To work on learning is to increase day by day; to work on Tao (the Way, the Truth) is to decrease day by day.;
Learning consists in adding to one’s stock day by day; The practice of Tao consists in “subtracting day by day.;
He who devotes himself to learning (seeks) from day to day to increase (his knowledge); He who devotes himself to the Tao (seeks) from day to day to diminish (his doing).

8、 Choose the English equivalence for “人法地,地法天,天法道,道法自然。” (time:5:33)

A:Man models himself on earth, Earth on heaven, Heaven on the way, And the way on that which is naturally so.( D.C. Lau刘殿爵)
B:Man takes his law from the earth; The Earth takes its law from the Heaven; Heaven takes its law from the Tao. The law of the Tao is its being what it is.(James Legge)
C:People follow the earth, the earth follows heaven, heaven follows the Dao, the Dao follows nature. (Brain Bruya)
D:The ways of men are conditioned by those of earth. The ways of earth, by those of heaven. The ways of heaven by those of Tao, and the ways of Tao by the Self-so. (Arthur Waley)
答案: Man models himself on earth, Earth on heaven, Heaven on the way, And the way on that which is naturally so.( D.C. Lau刘殿爵);
Man takes his law from the earth; The Earth takes its law from the Heaven; Heaven takes its law from the Tao. The law of the Tao is its being what it is.(James Legge);
People follow the earth, the earth follows heaven, heaven follows the Dao, the Dao follows nature. (Brain Bruya);
The ways of men are conditioned by those of earth. The ways of earth, by those of heaven. The ways of heaven by those of Tao, and the ways of Tao by the Self-so. (Arthur Waley)

9、 Choose the English equivalents for “功成事遂,百姓皆谓:‘我自然’”。(time:7:28)

A:Their work was done and their undertakings were successful, while the people all said, ‘We are as we are, of ourselves!’(James Legge)
B:A ruler should emulate nature, with no desires or selfishness, no contriving or striving, and all will fall in line.
C:That when his task is accomplished, his work done. Throughout the country everyone says: it happened of its own accord. (Arthur Waley)
D:When things are done, he should let people say that all is natural. (许渊冲)
答案: Their work was done and their undertakings were successful, while the people all said, ‘We are as we are, of ourselves!’(James Legge);
That when his task is accomplished, his work done. Throughout the country everyone says: it happened of its own accord. (Arthur Waley);
When things are done, he should let people say that all is natural. (许渊冲)

10、 Directions: Choose the synonyms or synonymous phrases to the underlined words:The information in this chapter can be extracted as follows:(time: 1:55)(意思对就可以选,忽略时态等)

B:taken off
C:get an abstract of
D:to get a piece of information from a book, document, computer file
答案: get an abstract of;
to get a piece of information from a book, document, computer file

11、 The following chart shows very clearly that Laozi calls for a quest after such ideals which would transcend the banal. (time:4:29)

A:pursue something that contains new, original, or unusual
B:surpass the banality
C:stick to the boring, ordinary, and not original
D:go beyond the bromidic
答案: pursue something that contains new, original, or unusual;
surpass the banality;
go beyond the bromidic

12、 Abstaining from speech marks him who is obeying the spontaneity of his nature. (time: 8:04)

A:restraining from
B:pulling back from
C:giving up
D:stepping back from
答案: restraining from;
pulling back from;
giving up;
stepping back from

13、 If a man conforms to the laws set by Dao, he will walk with the Dao(tong yu Dao). (time:6:38)





