



点击这里,查看大学英语听说(一) 2024智慧树答案完整版






What is the most popular sports in England?

A table tennis
B volleyball
C football
D basketball
答案  football

What are the leisure activities for the self-improvement for Chinese people?

A practicing calligraphy
B reading books and newspapers
C practicing Chinese painting
D practicing Chinese martial art (Tai Chi)
答案  practicing calligraphy;
reading books and newspapers;
practicing Chinese painting;
practicing Chinese martial art (Tai Chi)

What are the tools for Chinese painting and calligraphy?

A rice paper
B brushes
C ink slab
D ink
答案  rice paper;
ink slab;

听力题:Q  Where does the conversation probably take place?

A  In the office
B At the cinema
C At home
D  In a bar
答案  At home

听力题:Q  Which invention does the man think changed the world most? 

A The light bulb
B The car 
C The phone 
D The computer
答案  The light bulb

Which type of movie is one of the oldest genres in film?

A  Action movies

B Fantasy movies

C Comedy movies

D Si-fi movies

答案  Comedy movies


What are the features shared by all the seven segments in the movie My People, My Country?

A They tell memories of important historical moments in China

B They focus only on the heroes of the hour

C They focus on everyday people and how their lives connect personally with China’s advancement

D They tell the spirit of ordinary Chinese people

答案  They tell memories of important historical moments in China
They focus on everyday people and how their lives connect personally with China’s advancement
They tell the spirit of ordinary Chinese people

If you want to say more politely that someone is rather fat, it is better to describe him or her as ____________.

A Overweight

B Chubby

C Obese

D Plump

答案  Chubby



Why didn’t the man go to the party?

A He had to handle something unexpected.

B He was taking care of some.

C He had planned to do something else.

D He was expecting someone to call him.

答案  He had to handle something unexpected.


What has the woman been preparing for?

A  Performing in the play Hamlet

B Making a presentation on Hamlet.

C Writing a term paper on Hamlet

D  Discussing Hamlet with her professor.

答案  Writing a term paper on Hamlet


Which of the following factors will make contribution to the livability of a city?

A  failed economy

B complete public service

C civil war

D weak government

答案  complete public service


In which year Shanghai launched the Reform and Opening Policy?

A 1875

B 1976 

C 1970

D 1878

答案  1976 

why Algeria is wealthy but cannot be considered as a livable city?

A natural disaster

B civil war

C military rule

D statist economic policy

答案  civil war

military rule

statist economic policy


Q  Why didn’t the man go to the concert?

A he went to the concert before

B the band was terrible

C he was too sick to go

D the weather was cold

答案  he was too sick to go


Q  what are the speakers talking about?

A meeting former classmates

B planning a reunion party

C  having a happy family

D looking for exciting jobs

答案  meeting former classmates



