高级英语阅读与写作2(福州外语外贸学院)1451575443 中国大学慕课答案2024完整版100分



Week1: Summary Writing Test-1 for Lecture 1

1、 Which of the following is NOT from the checklist for a summary?

A: Identify the title and author of the work
B:State the thesis of the original article
C:Include your own opinion in your summary
D:Summarize the key supporting details
答案: Include your own opinion in your summary

2、 You need to put “” wherever you quote more than ___ words from the text.

答案: 5

3、 There is a wide gap between___ according to a series of monthly surveys.

A:what employers want and what schools are producing
B:what college students want and what schools are producing
C:what employers want and what job market is offering
D:what college students want and what job market is offering
答案: what employers want and what schools are producing

4、 According to an annual UC survey of first-year students, freshmen now list ____ as the most important reason to go to college.

A: getting promotion easily
B:learning about things that interest them
C:getting a better job
D:learning vocational skills
答案: getting a better job

5、 When you are writing a summary you may do all of the following except_____.

A:identify the author and the title of the essay that you are summarizing
B:summarize the key supporting detail of the original essay
C:include your comment on the essay
D:state the thesis of the original essay
答案: include your comment on the essay

6、 Colleges worried about filling seats have accommodated them by rolling out a bevy of practical majors, such as a bachelor’s degree in ____.

A:Western Civilization
C:Chinese Philosophy
D:History of Rome in 18th century
答案: Business

7、 Michael Roth, president of Wesleyan University, who is interested in making more fundamental changes to what happens in the classroom, wants more courses to be _____.

B: skill-based
答案: project-based

8、 According to Michael Roth the universities can serve better if they _____.

A:cooperate more with companies to provide students with opportunities to solve real problems
B:cut the tuition fees and lower parents’ expectations
C:prepare students for the job market with more vocational education
D:prepare students for the job market without abandoning their traditional role to provide a broad education
答案: prepare students for the job market without abandoning their traditional role to provide a broad education

9、 A summary is an account in a reader’s words that gives the main points of a piece of writing.

答案: 正确

10、 If someone has a sense of entitlement, that means the person has a title acknowledged by others.

答案: 错误

Week2: Paragraph Construction Test-2 for Lecture 2

1、 In order to make your point clear as soon as possible, we’d better put the topic sentence ______ the paragraph.

A:in the middle of
B:in the end of
C:at any place in
D:at the beginning of
答案: at the beginning of

2、 Colleges that score badly in PayScale’s rankings argue that ____.

A:all schools are from places with a promising job market
B:the rankings are based on relatively small numbers of graduates from each institution
C:universities that set out to serve everyone need not compete with selective institutions.
D:poor colleges have been measured by the same standards as rich ones that offer lots of financial aid
答案: the rankings are based on relatively small numbers of graduates from each institution

3、 Why does this course suggest student writers to put a topic sentence at the very beginning of a paragraph?

A:Because it is wise to make your point clear as soon as possible in this age of information explosion.
B:Because a topic sentence should not be at the end of a paragraph.
C:Because a topic sentence should not be in the middle of a paragraph.
D:Because if you put it at the end of paragraph it becomes a thesis statement.
答案: Because it is wise to make your point clear as soon as possible in this age of information explosion.

4、 The factors that force many colleges to cut costs and raise quality are ____.

A:technology and inflation
B:transparency and technology
C:job market and inflation
D:transparency and inflation
答案: transparency and technology

5、 In a PEE structure you use explanations or examples to support your topic sentence.

答案: 正确

6、 According to the passage, although college graduates earn much more than their peers with only a high school diploma, some degrees pay for themselves; others don’t.

答案: 正确

7、 According to the passage, although college graduates earn much more than their peers with only a high school diploma, some degrees pay for themselves; others don’t.

答案: 正确

Week3: Support Test-3 for Lecture 3

1、 The following methods can serve as support when you write a paragraph except for ______.

C: statements by authorities
答案: argumentation

2、 According to the research, women who could outearn their husbands choose not to work at all, or to work less because _____.

A:they think husbands should give more financial support to the family.
B:they still need to take more responsibilities at home to soothe their husbands’ unease at earning less
C:they need to take care of the children and household chores
D:they don’t like competition in companies
答案: they still need to take more responsibilities at home to soothe their husbands’ unease at earning less

3、 The marriage market clears much less often in regions in which ___.

A:more women choose not to work at all
B:more women choose to take more responsibilities at home
C:more women have the potential to outearn men
D:more men have the potential to outearn women
答案: more women have the potential to outearn men

4、 Marriage difficulties jump and divorce rates increase if the wife ____.

A:earns more
B:doesn’t work at all
C:earns less
D:doesn’t take care of the household and their children
答案: earns more

5、 The writer suggests that government should take targeted policies to ___.

A:give a parental leave exclusively for fathers
B:break the glass ceiling for women at work
C:shift focus away from the male bread-winner model
D:advocate gender inequality
答案: shift focus away from the male bread-winner model

6、 Researcher only used couples around the time of first marriage (22-34) for the study of income patterns of couples because they wanted to know whether or not the progress in economy has changed the social norm “men should earn more than their wives”.

答案: 错误

7、 According to The Practical Writer, an authority is a person who is in the position to know about a subject.

答案: 正确





