


Lecture 7 Argumentation 1 Test for Argumentation 1

1、 There are mainly two types of arguments, namely Aristotelian and Rogerian. Please select from the following statements the one that describes Rogerian type.

A:It is made either to confirm and strengthen a position or to refute an existing argument.
B:The writer’s objective in using Aristotelian arguments is to actively persuade the reader of a particular point of view.
C:The writer’s goal in utilizing Rogerian arguments is to find a solution that appears reasonable to everyone.
答案: The writer’s goal in utilizing Rogerian arguments is to find a solution that appears reasonable to everyone.

2、 Argumentative writing is different from opinion essay or persuasive writing. Please select from the following excerpts the one that is typical of argumentative composition.

A:As you must know, smoking has terrible effects on the body and, therefore, I strongly believe it is right for governments to totally ban smoking in all public places.
B:While it may be considered as an invasion of personal freedom, scientists from the WHO have emphasized the benefits of outlawing smoking in all public places.
C:I think smoking is bad for one’s health, so governments should ban smoking in all public places.
答案: While it may be considered as an invasion of personal freedom, scientists from the WHO have emphasized the benefits of outlawing smoking in all public places.

3、 English argumentative writing usually employs a linear rhetorical style. Please select from the following excerpts the one that represents a linear rhetorical style.

A:Social media is negatively impacting communication because people’s time is being divided among a larger number of contacts. Modern social media has existed for around twenty years. Technologically speaking, twenty years is a long time. Social media has had both positive and negative impacts on communication.
B:Modern social media has existed for around twenty years. Technologically speaking, twenty years is a long time. Social media has had both positive and negative impacts on communication. Social media is negatively impacting communication because people’s time is being divided among a larger number of contacts.
C:Social media is negatively impacting communication because people’s time is being divided among a larger number of contacts. Consequently, the relationship between them and the shared acquaintance may deteriorate due to greater “competition” for attention. This, in turn, is causing a number of widespread social problems.
答案: Social media is negatively impacting communication because people’s time is being divided among a larger number of contacts. Consequently, the relationship between them and the shared acquaintance may deteriorate due to greater “competition” for attention. This, in turn, is causing a number of widespread social problems.

4、 In English argumentative essays, writers are expected to use a deductive approach. Please select from the following organization templates the one that is typical of deductive approaches.

A:Topical sentence/ClaimSupporting evidenceConcluding sentence
B:Supporting evidencConclusion/Claim
C:Supporting evidenceClaimConcluding sentence
答案: Topical sentence/ClaimSupporting evidenceConcluding sentence

5、 Argumentative writing may also vary according to different purposes. Please select the from following statements the one that is inconsistent with the purposes of argumentative writing.

A:Acknowledging and refuting opposing views.
B:Completely altering the reader’s attitudes towards a given theme.
C:Identifying a position and clarifying the issue.
答案: Completely altering the reader’s attitudes towards a given theme.

6、 Argumentation is a skill that is also useful in non-academic contexts, such as in professional correspondence and in verbal as well as written situations.

答案: 正确

7、 Argumentative writing typically employs Rogerian arguments.

答案: 正确

8、 Argumentative writings aim to convince the reader of their opinion and they do so more “aggressively” by using emotional strategies.

答案: 错误
分析:Persuasive writings aim to convince the reader of their opinion and they do so more “aggressively” by using emotional strategies.

9、 In an argumentative essay, a linear rhetorical style means that the writer progresses from one point to the next without repetition or backtracking and with clear and obvious transitions.

答案: 正确

10、 Inductive approach, also called a “top-down” approach, moves from the more general to the more specific.

答案: 错误
分析:Deductive approach, also called a “top-down” approach, moves from the more general to the more specific.

Lecture 8 Argumentation 2 Test for Argumentation 2

1、 There is no one method to choose an appropriate topic for an argumentative – or any other kind of – essay. However, there are still some guidelines supposed to be obeyed. One of the crucial principles relates to whether a selected topic is debatable. Please select from the following example topics the one that is debatable.

A:The benefits of exercise
B:Whether exercises should be unduly recommended
C:Exercise has many benefits
答案: Whether exercises should be unduly recommended

2、 It is important to choose a topic on which at least some research exists (that you are able to access) and which is not overly complex. Please select from the following example topics the more actionable and researchable one.

B:Alien DNA
C:Human DNA
答案: Human DNA

3、 The words of an essay prompt can usually be divided into three categories: content words, limiting words and task words. Please select from the following statements the correct definitions

A:Content words: Also referred to as the “key words,” these reveal the topic of the essay, that is, what the writer should write about.
B:Limiting words: Also known as “process words,” these provide instructions and tell the writer what to do.
C:Task words: These provide focus and set the topical boundaries of the essay.
答案: Content words: Also referred to as the “key words,” these reveal the topic of the essay, that is, what the writer should write about.

4、 Based on the knowledge about content words, limiting words and task words in analyzing an essay prompt, please select the correct category for the italicized part of the following essay prompt: Since the most recent global financial crisis, the balance of power in the international system has changed. Argue in favor of or against this statement.

A:Content word
B:Limiting word
C:Task word
答案: Limiting word

5、 In critical analysis of the essay prompt, a clear and accurate understanding of the task word is essential to analyzing the prompt. Please select from the following examples the one matched with correct meaning.

A:Argue: Take a position on the importance or influence of a particular person or event on someone or something else.
B:Assess: Express a definite point of view and make it convincing through specific reasons and examples.
C:Explain: Clarify the processes or reasons behind a particular phenomenon.
答案: Explain: Clarify the processes or reasons behind a particular phenomenon.

6、 It is important to choose an arguable, researchable and interesting topic when planning an argumentative essay.

答案: 正确





