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4.揭露人性罪恶的浪漫主义小说家:纳撒尼尔·霍桑 Test 1

1、 In the 19th century America, Romanticism had certain general characteristics. Choose such characteristics from the following items.

A:moral enthusiasm
B:faith in the value of individualism and intuitive perception
C:adoration for the natural world
D:all of the above
答案: all of the above

2、 Washington Irving’s first book appeared in 1809, entitled ______.

A:“The American Scholar”
B:The Marble Faun
C:“The Cop and the Anthem”
D:A History of New York
答案: A History of New York

3、 Washington Irving’s works are numerous, but his most successful work is The Sketch Book, of which the most famous and anthologized are ______ and “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”.

A:A History of New York
B:Leatherstocking Tales
C: “Rip Van Winkle”
D: The Pioneers
答案: “Rip Van Winkle”

4、 Irving’s taste was essentially conservative. This social conservatism and literary preference for the past is revealed, to some extent, in his famous story “_____”.

A: A History of New York
B: Life of George Washington
C: “Rip Van Winkle”
D: “Legend of Sleepy Hollow”
答案: “Rip Van Winkle”

5、 The Romantic Period, one of the most important periods in the history of American literature, stretches from the end of the _ century to the outbreak of the ___.

A:19th, Civil War
B:19th, WWI
C:18th, Civil War
D:18th, WWI
答案: 18th, Civil War

6、 Romanticism started with the publication of Washington Irving’s ______ and ended with Whitman’s Leaves of Grass.

A: A History of New York
B:Life of George Washington
C: “Rip Van Winkle”
D:The Sketch Book
答案: The Sketch Book

7、 James Fenimore Cooper’s novel ___ is the first to reveal the west and Native Americans’ life in a passionate way.

A:Go Down, Moses
B:The Last of the Mohicans
C:Winesburg, Ohio
D:O, Pioneers!
答案: The Last of the Mohicans

8、 The Spy was written by James Fenimore Cooper in 1821. It is a novel about __.

A:American Civil War
B:American Revolution
C:American West Expansion
D:The First World War
答案: American Revolution

9、 __ contributed two of the great stock figures of American mythology: the daring frontiersman and the bold Indian.

A:Washington Irving
B:Nathaniel Hawthorne
C:William Cullen Bryant
D:James Fenimore Cooper
答案: James Fenimore Cooper

10、 The desire for an escape from society and a return to nature became a permanent convention of American literature, evident in _.

A:James Fenimore Cooper’s Leatherstocking Tales
B:Henry David Thoreau’s Walden
C:Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn
D:All of the above
答案: All of the above

11、 In the early nineteenth century, the attitude of American writers was shaped by their New World environment and an array of ideas inherited from the romantic tradition of Europe.

答案: 正确

12、 The early American romanticists gave emphasis to emotion and nature; some of them sang of liberty and national independence and wrote in defense of Negro slaves and Indians.

答案: 正确

13、 Washington Irving was the second great belletrist, writing always for pleasure, and to produce pleasure.

答案: 错误

14、 Romantic values were prominent in American politics, art and philosophy until the Independent War.

答案: 错误

15、 The foundation of American national literature was laid by the early American romanticists.

答案: 正确

16、 Cooper launched two kinds of immensely popular stories: the sea adventure tale, and the gothic stories.

答案: 错误

17、 With a vast group of supporting characters, virtuous or villainous, Cooper made the American conscious of his past, and made the European conscious of America.

答案: 正确

18、 Cooper’s claim to greatness in American literature lies in the fact that he created a myth about the formative period of the American nation.

答案: 正确

19、 Leatherstocking Tales is a novel best-known for the frontier period.

答案: 错误

20、 James Fenimore Cooper is a famous novelist of American Realism.

答案: 错误

4.揭露人性罪恶的浪漫主义小说家:纳撒尼尔·霍桑 Test 2

1、 In Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter, “A” may stand for ___.

D:all the above
答案: all the above

2、 ___ literary world turns out to be a most disturbed, tormented and problematical one, which has much to do with the “black” vision of life and human beings.

A:Herman Melville’s
B:Washington Irving’s
C:Nathaniel Hawthorne’s
D:Walt Whitman’s
答案: Nathaniel Hawthorne’s

3、 Which of the works concerns most concentratedly the Calvinistic view of original sin? ‍

A:The Wasteland
B:The Scarlet Letter
C:Leaves of Grass
D:As I Lay Dying
答案: The Scarlet Letter

4、 Which of the following is not a work of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s?

A:The House of the Seven Gables
B:The Blithedale Romance
C:The Marble Faun
D:White Jacket
答案: White Jacket

5、 In Hawthorne’s novels and short stories, intellectuals usually appear as ___.

答案: villains





