大学英语(四)(福州外语外贸学院) 中国大学慕课答案2024完整版100分



Week 1 Beauty (i) 1.5 Quiz

1、 It is very difficult, or even impossible, for a man to give a right answer when a woman asks him how she looks, because men cannot have an honest yet sensitive response to the question.

答案: 错误

分析:(para. 2) No amount of rehearsal will help you come up with the right answer. (para. 3) The problem is that men do not think of their looks in the same way women do.

2、 According to the text, men and women evaluate their appearance differently in a way that men are satisfied with being average-looking, paying little attention to their looks, while women pay great attention to their body and image, considering their appearance as not good enough even if they are in fact attractive.

答案: 正确
分析:(para. 4.) Most men are not arrogant about their looks. They like to think of themselves as average-looking. Average is fine. (para. 5) Women do not look at themselves this way. No matter how attractive a woman may be, she has trouble thinking “I’m beautiful.”

3、 Women are not confident with their appearance because they are put in an inferior social status.

答案: 错误
分析:(para 6) This chronic insecurity isn’t inborn, but created through the interaction of many psychological and social factors, for example, their childhood experiences with toys, and the influence of the media causes women to consider their looks so deficient.

4、 Girls’ toys are proportioned to have extreme measures of the body (e.g. in terms of height, weight, and waist size), whereas most of boys’ toys look weird rather than handsome.

答案: 正确
分析:(para. 6) Girls grow up playing with dolls proportioned in a way that is physically impossible for a living human to achieve. In contrast, most of the toys that young boys have played with were weird-looking.

5、 The author points out that women care much about their appearance due to pressure from men.

答案: 错误
分析:(para. 9) The truth is that most men think beauty is more than just lipstick and perfume and take no notice of these extra details. So the author thinks that the claim is not right.

Week 2 Beauty (ii) 2.6 Quiz

1、 She decided to buy that car because it used less gasoline and had the two __ she couldn’t live without: a GPS and a CD player.

答案: accessories

2、 The two teams each have their strengths and their weaknesses, and thus they can __ each other when working on the project together.

答案: complement

3、 Mrs. McBride, my neighbor, was a fanatic (狂热的) gardener, planting lots of flowers and vegetables on the __ at the back of her house.

答案: allotment

4、 At the end of his term in office, the governor was criticized for failure to ___ his campaign promise.

A:live down to
B:live to
C:live up to
D:live it up to
答案: live up to

5、 No amount of money with her life will __ her desire for comfort.

答案: appease

6、 Her good looks, _______ her elegance, is devoted to her popularity among the boys.

A:complete with
B:compare with
C:complement with
D:compliment with
答案: complete with

7、 __ your heart ______ love and you will have a broad mind.

A:Shower … with
B:Come up … with
C:Excuse … with
D:Conform … with
答案: Shower … with

8、 Vocabulary words are the building blocks of your language ability, but don’t be with just memorizing vocabulary. It’s more useful to know how to use 50 words than to memorize 100. (obsess)
答案: obsessed

9、 Girls grow up playing with dolls so that if they were human they would be seven feet tall and weigh 61 pounds, with tiny thigh and a large upper body. (proportion)
答案: proportioned

10、 It is important for every man to understand how to treat women with respect and _____. (admire)
答案: admiration

11、 The school choir does not have enough time to prepare for public performances. (rehearse)
答案: rehearsal

12、 The cheese cake Jenny made for the dinner was so delicious that it was simply . (resist)
答案: irresistible

Week 3 Culture (i) 3.5 Quiz

1、 The dominant American society appreciates and respects Chinese people for being modest and discreet.

答案: 错误
分析:The author “worry that the dominant society may see Chinese people from a limited perspective, hedging us in with the stereotype”, which “may lead to actual intolerance and be part of the reason why there are few Chinese in top management positions, or in the main judiciary or political sectors” (Para. 22). Actually, the remarks that Chinese people are modest and discreet are “only the crust of the interaction, or what is said from the polite distance of social contexts” (Para. 26). They are only a stereotype of Chinese people’s exterior behavior.

2、 The right way for the Chinese to respond at the dinner table in America is to say directly whether they want to have anything or not.

答案: 正确
分析:According to the author’s mother, “if you don’t breach the old rules of etiquette and say you want it, they won’t ask you again” at the dinner table in America (Para. 8). That means Chinese people should say directly whether they want to have anything or not and do not have to refuse for the sake of politeness if they in fact want to eat it.

3、 The generalization of Chinese people as “polite and modest” in American society is based upon in-depth study of Chinese culture.

答案: 错误
分析:According to the author, this generalization “is not a true composite of Chinese culture but only a stereotype of our exterior behavior” (Para 26). These ideas about Chinese culture in American society “are not representative of new ideas, honest emotions, or considered thought” (Para 26).

4、 The author agrees with the description of Chinese language and culture as being indirect and polite.

答案: 错误
分析:In the author’s opinion, what is mentioned in the article in The New York Times Magazine, in which Chinese language and culture is considered indirect and polite, is a complete rumor.(Para 10, 11)

5、 To support her opinion that to understand the difference between languages and behavior just through literal translation may lead to wrong generalizations, the author mentions how an outside observer might view Chinese people by just listening to her mother speak.

答案: 正确
分析:The author believes that it is dangerous to view the gulf between different languages and behavior through translation. (Para 21)

Week 4 Culture (ii) 4.6 Quiz

1、 While beef is commonly eaten by the Muslim population, it is a ______ for traditional Hindus.

答案: taboo

2、 Trembling hands and legs may _ feelings of fear or nervousness.

答案: denote

3、 Many parents are caught __ because they have to protect their kids, and at the same time, promote the kids’ independence.

A:in a double bind
B:in a double situation
C:under a trap
D:under a confinement
答案: in a double bind

4、 The dominant society see Chinese people from a limited perspective, ______ the stereotype.

A:hedging us with
B: hedging us in with
C:hedged us with
D:hedged us in with
答案: hedging us in with

5、 After the guests left, the temperature in the room suddenly became icy, and the candles flickered as __ a gust of air had passed over them.






