


Unit 5 The money game Unit 5 Test

1、 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage.In giving a business presentation, many speakers think that if their idea is strong, their audience will get it readily. They feel discouraged when the audience is unable to understand their presentations. That happens a lot especially when technical experts are invited to make a product presentation to a group of users. What can we do to make a business presentation easier to understand? In my view, good presentations have always been simple and visual. In an effective business presentation, the fewer the points, the better the message gets passed on. You focus on the depth of coverage instead of the width(广度)of coverage. Additionally, you make your ideas visual and relevant, so the message is understood better and remembered longer. Great business presenters relate their ideas and concepts to their audience by using simple, powerful diagrams instead of relying on text-based slides. In fact, drawing diagrams forces a presenter to make the idea clear even at the preparation stage. It is impossible to draw a diagram when you are not clear about an idea. When your idea is clear, it is easier to transfer it Most audiences understand a diagram faster and remember it longer. This possibly explains why most of the memorable presentations have been visual in nature. 1. Many speakers believe that the stronger their idea,_____.

A:the more powerful their speech will be
B:the more meaningful their speech will be
C:the more easily the audience will understand it
D:the harder the audience will find it to follow
答案: the more easily the audience will understand it

2、 Why are you advised to give fewer points in your presentation?

A:To pass on the messages better.
B:To avoid wasting too much time.
C:To allow audience to take notes.
D:To leave more time for questions.
答案: To pass on the messages better.

3、 The speaker can help the audience remember the message longer by_____.

A:displaying text-based slides
B:avoiding long technical terms
C:focusing on the width of coverage
D:using simple and powerful diagrams
答案: using simple and powerful diagrams

4、 The underlined word “transfer” in this passage most probably means ” _____”.

B:pass on
C:take off
答案: pass on

5、 This passage is mainly about______.

A:how to make an effective business presentation
B:how to present strong ideas in a presentation
C:how to focus on the depth of coverage
D:how to prepare a powerful diagram
答案: how to make an effective business presentation

6、 Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage.Blue Jeans Company was established in October 2012 and operates as a partnership(合伙企业)between Elena Horowitz and James Foster. In fact, it began in Elena’s basement when they sold jeans to friends. And now the company has grown to have its own online store, relationships with suppliers in Asia, and local factories. The company has had its revenues double every two months. For our day-to-day operations, Blue Jeans Company has established several key relationships and we can easily expand our production when the demand for our goods increases. We obtain the best organic cotton from two suppliers, one located in Turkey and the other in Japan, which means that their supplies are produced without the use of any chemicals. Once the shipment arrives in the US, it’ll be routed(发送)to our production and shipping partner in Los Angeles. We work closely with our partner to ensure quality through regular checks. It is also where the products will ship out. Our office is located on 2029 Century Park East where all staff work together, handling all online order processing and ensuring the purchase and delivery of the products run smoothly. It’s also where all requests for refunds are handled in addition to the future launch of the jean-recycling program. 6. Blue Jeans Company first started its business by______.

A:selling its product to friends
B:doing business in an online store
C:exporting jeans to Asian countries
D:supplying raw materials to local factories
答案: exporting jeans to Asian countries

7、 ”Organic cotton” in Line 1, Para 3, probably means “cotton _____”.

A:manufactured automatically
B:grown in local regions
C:produced without using chemicals
D:imported from foreign countries
答案: produced without using chemicals

8、 To ensure product quality, the company _____.

A:uses man-made materials
B:observes strict regulations
C:checks its products regularly
D:often asks for clients’ opinions
答案: checks its products regularly

9、 The company’s products will ship out from _____.

A:New York
B:Los Angeles
答案: Los Angeles

10、 What will the company do in the future?

A:Sell its products worldwide.
B:Handle all its orders online.
C:Establish a new office in New York.
D:Carry out a jean-recycling program.
答案: Carry out a jean-recycling program.

Unit 7 Women: Making a difference Unit 7 Test

1、 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage. To be a good manager, you must be careful to distinctly define the proper boundary (界限) between yourself and your staff. Here are some points to remember.1. Be clear about the relationship. To maintain the respect of your employees while being friends with them, you must be direct about the nature of your business relationship. This means being clear about what the goals are, how your employees are to help you reach them, and what they can expect from you. By communicating these things clearly, you avoid the risk that an employee can misinterpret your friendship and behave in an unprofessional manner.2. Be social—to a degree. In most offices, there’s usually a lot of social networking, whether it’s a Friday lunch or drinks after work. It’s natural for managers to be a part of that. Just remember to socialize(交际)with everyone, be careful with the alcohol, and don’t be the last one at the party. Also, keep socializing at the office to a minimum. You want to ensure that you are respected as well as liked. 3. Don’t fake it. Maybe you want to try to be friends with all your employees, because you think that would strengthen your team. While some management training courses stress that bosses should ask their staff about their personal lives, such as their weekend plans, their families, or their children, such efforts can backfire if the manager is viewed as not being sincere. It’s okay to ask occasional questions of staff, but don’t make a big production out of it. Getting to know people takes time.1. To prevent employees from behaving unprofessionally, managers should ______.

A:show respect to their employees’ individual needs
B:let them know about their future career development
C:set short-term and long-term goals for their business
D:make them clear about the nature of business relationship
答案: make them clear about the nature of business relationship

2、 According to Paragraph 3, managers are advised _.

A:to create a friendly work environment for their staff
B:to keep socializing with the employees to a degree
C:to avoid socializing with their employees after work
D:to be the first person to a party or to a gathering
答案: to keep socializing with the employees to a degree

3、 Some managers believe they can strengthen their team by _.

A:making friends with all their employees
B:attending a management training course
C:providing a free Friday lunch to the staff
D:encouraging their staff to exercise regularly
答案: making friends with all their employees

4、 The word” backfire” in the last paragraph most probably means”______”.

A:strengthen the relationship
B:start a fire in the backyard
C:produce an undesired result
D:improve management skills
答案: produce an undesired result

5、 The passage is mainly about the importance of _.

A:management training courses for employers
B:proper relationship between managers and staff
C:setting business goals for both managers and staff
D:being a part of social networking for a good manager
答案: proper relationship between managers and staff

6、 Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage.Before renting the equipment from U-Haul, be clear about the following information.1. I understand that this equipment must be returned to the same U-Haul location where it was rented. I understand that the minimum rental charge for equipment returned to a different location is twice the amount of the current rate.2. I understand that the equipment rented is water resistant and not water proof.3. I acknowledge that I have received the appropriate User Instructions and acknowledge my responsibility to fully read and understand these User concerns or requirement that I have about my rental.4. I understand that I can also contact U-Haul Customer Service at uhaul. com/contact/ email, aspx.5. I agree that distracted driving is dangerous and that driving while distracted is likely to lead to an accident/crash causing serious injury or death. I agree not to use a hand-held mobile phone (other than for an emergency call). My agreement not to do so is material to U-Haul decision to enter this Agreement. My failure to comply is material breach of this Agreement.6.I acknowledge that I have received and agreed to the terms and conditions of this Rental Contract and Rental Contract Addendum (附录).6. Where are you asked to return the equipment rented from U-Haul?

A:To a free parking lot.
B:To any U-Haul location.
C:To where it was rented from.
D:To the nearest U-Haul location.
答案: To where it was rented from.

7、 According to Item 3, it is the renter’s responsibility__.

A:to fully read and understand the User Instructions
B:to buy insurance before renting the equipment
C:to confirm the receipt of the User Instructions
D:to repair the equipment when necessary
答案: to fully read and understand the User Instructions

8、 The phrase “distracted driving” in Item 5 means__.

A:changing lanes without signaling
B:driving without wearing a seatbelt
C:running a red light by over-speeding
D:carrying out other activities while driving
答案: carrying out other activities while driving

9、 While driving, you are allowed to use your hand-held mobile phone to__.

A:chat with your assistant
B:make an emergency call
C:look for a U-Haul location
D:receive and send messages
答案: make an emergency call

10、 This passage is most probably taken from__.

A:an announcement
B:an advertisement
C:an agreement
D:a notice
答案: an agreement

4. The humanities: Out of date?-2 4.5 Quiz

1、 Growth will _____ to 2.9 per cent next year.

答案: accelerate

2、 Duties and taxes are the most obvious _____ to free trade.

答案: barrier

3、 From this you can _____ the total mass in the Galaxy.





