


Lesson 4 Using Evidence

1、 Suppose you think animals should NOT be used for scientific testing. Which of the following evidence best supports your argument?

A:Experiments in which dogs had their pancreases removed led directly to the discovery of insulin, critical to saving the lives of diabetics.
B:According to Humane Society International, animals used in experiments are commonly subjected to force feeding, forced inhalation, food and water deprivation.
C:Because animals and humans are so biologically similar, they are susceptible to many of the same conditions and illnesses, including heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.
D:When testing medicines for potential toxicity, the lives of human volunteers should not be put in danger unnecessarily.
答案: According to Humane Society International, animals used in experiments are commonly subjected to force feeding, forced inhalation, food and water deprivation.

2、 Suppose you are writing an essay on gun control. Which TWO of the following sources might be the most relevant papers to your research?

A:Guns don’t kill people, People kill people
B:Does Illegal Immigration Disadvantage American Workers?
C:Do More Guns Mean More Deaths and Injuries?
D:Leading Causes of Death in America
答案: Guns don’t kill people, People kill people;
Do More Guns Mean More Deaths and Injuries?

Lesson 4 Incorporating Sources

1、 Read the following paragraph about animal testing and answer the questions.Many people believe that animal testing should not be forbidden since it has contributed to many life-saving cures and treatments. The California Biomedical Research Association states that nearly every medical breakthrough in the last 100 years has resulted directly from research using animals. For example, experiments in which dogs had their pancreases removed led directly to the discovery of insulin, critical to saving the lives of diabetics. Chris Abee, Director of the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center’s animal research facility, states that “we wouldn’t have a vaccine for hepatitis B without chimpanzees,” and says that the use of chimps is “our best hope” for finding a vaccine for Hepatitis C, a disease that kills thousands of Americans annually.1. How many sources are cited?

答案: Two.

2、 What is the main method the author adopted to incorporate the evidence from Chris Abee into the argument?

C:Using direct quote.
答案: Using direct quote.

Lesson 5 Patterns of organization-1

1、 Suppose you are writing an essay to introduce the development of genetically modified food. Which of the following patterns of organization might be the best for your topic?

A:Sequential pattern.
B:Cause-effect pattern.
C:Chronological pattern.
D:Problem-solution pattern.
答案: Chronological pattern.

Lesson 5 Patterns of organization-2

1、 Read the following article about whether recreational marijuana should be legalized and answer the questions.More than half of US adults, over 128 million people, have tried marijuana, despite it being an illegal drug under federal law. Nearly 600,000 Americans are arrested for marijuana possession annually–more than one person per minute. Public support for legalizing marijuana went from 12% in 1969 to 66% today. Starting with Colorado and Washington in 2012, recreational marijuana, also known as adult-use marijuana, has been legalized by ten states in the US. However, in spite of all these benefits that proponents have claimed, I still believe that the legalization of recreational marijuana will bring many problems.First of all, legalizing marijuana will do much harm to the teenagers. The percentage of 12- to 17-year-olds using marijuana is higher in every legal marijuana state than the national average. Compared to adults, teenagers are especially vulnerable to the side effects of marijuana because human brains are not fully developed until around age 25 (four years past the legal age in states that allow recreational marijuana). The American Academy of Pediatrics said that adverse effects of teen marijuana use include “impaired short-term memory and decreased concentration, attention span, and problem solving, which clearly interfere with learning. Alterations in motor control, coordination, judgment, reaction time, and tracking ability have also been documented; these may contribute to unintentional deaths and injuries.”Secondly, marijuana use harms more than just the person using the drug. Societal costs of marijuana use include paying for increased emergency room visits, medical care, and addiction treatment for the uninsured; more victims of drugged driving accidents; increased crime; and a negative impact on health from secondhand smoke. As it was, legalized marijuana creates steep costs for society and taxpayers that far outweigh its tax revenues.(1) Which pattern of organization is adopted in this article?

A:Sequential pattern.
B:Cause-effect pattern.
C:Chronological pattern.
D:Problem-solution pattern.
答案: Cause-effect pattern.

2、 (2) This article has not been finished yet. If you were the author, you might do the following things EXCEPT__.

A:adding a conclusion
B:introducing a counter argument
C:proving more evidence about the adverse effects of marijuana
D:explaining why so many people support the legalization of creational marijuana
答案: explaining why so many people support the legalization of creational marijuana

Lesson 6 Avoiding Plagiarism

1、 Which of the following is true about quoting?

A:You can edit the original meaning of the quote so as to better organize your ideas.
B:A theory of specific discipline should also be properly cited even if your readers are familiar with it.
C:You should explain why it is relevant to your own research before or after you use a quotation.
D:You can leave out the author’s name when writing direct quotations as long as you put the source in your “Works Cited”.
答案: You should explain why it is relevant to your own research before or after you use a quotation.

2、 In order to avoid plagiarism, what needs to be credited if you want to incorporate sources into your essay?

A:Ideas presented in a magazine.
B:Information gained in an interview.
C:Diagrams in a journal article.
D:Traditional theories of a discipline.
答案: Ideas presented in a magazine.;
Information gained in an interview.;
Diagrams in a journal article.

Lesson 6 Quoting and Paraphrasing

1、 Choose the best paraphrase for the following source:More than 300 historians reacted by signing an open letter to the Guardian newspaper in which they said: “As historians of Britain and of Europe, we believe that Britain has had, in the past, and will have in the future, an irreplaceable role to play in Europe.” (“History may make sense of the Brexit years”-China Daily)

A:Many historians in the UK are in favor of remaining in the European Union and over 300 of them signed an open letter to the Guardian about Britain’s significant place in Europe.
B:Over 300 historians signed an open letter to the Guardian, claiming that Britain has always been having an irreplaceable role to play in Europe.
C:Historians claimed that they believed that Britain had always been playing an irreplaceable role in Europe.
D:According to a report from China Daily, more than 300 historians signed an open letter to the Guardian newspaper in which they said: “As historians of Britain and of Europe, we believe that Britain has had, in the past, and will have in the future, an irreplaceable role to play in Europe.”
答案: Many historians in the UK are in favor of remaining in the European Union and over 300 of them signed an open letter to the Guardian about Britain’s significant place in Europe.

2、 Choose the best paraphrase for the following source:”Instant Starbucks coffee can only be bought at Starbucks coffee shops and its official online shop at Tmall,” a staff member at the Starbuck’s shop at Beijing’s Solana Center told China Daily on Tuesday. (“Counterfeit Starbucks coffee found; fake cat mugs discovered in Jiangsu”-China Daily)

A:A Starbucks employee said that the authentic instant coffee of Starbucks could only be bought at Starbucks coffee shops and its Tmall official online store.
B:According to a Starbucks employee, Instant Starbucks coffee is not accessible at any place except its own physical coffee shops and Tmall official online store.
C:A staff member at the Starbuck’s shop told China Daily that instant Starbucks coffee could only be bought at Starbucks coffee shops and its official online shop at Tmall.
D:It is reported that counterfeit Starbucks coffee has been found in many supermarkets.
答案: According to a Starbucks employee, Instant Starbucks coffee is not accessible at any place except its own physical coffee shops and Tmall official online store.

Lesson 7 Paragraph unity and coherence, Transitions, Emphatic devices

1、 Read the following paragraph about regional languages and answer the questions: ① The importance of regional language may increase in the near future. ② Popular writers, itinerant merchants, bazaar marketers, literacy advocates, relief workers, filmmakers, and missionaries all tend to bank on regional lingua francas whenever there is an opportunity to reach larger, even if less affluent, populations. ③ In many developing areas, it is regional languages that facilitate agricultural, industrial, and commercial expansion across local cultural and governmental boundaries. ④ They also foster literacy and formal adult or even elementary education in highly multilingual areas. ⑤ Consider the case of Africa, where some 2, 000 of the modern world’s approximately 6, 000 languages are spoken and 13 percent of the world’s population lives. ⑥ English is neither the only nor even the best means to navigate this linguistic obstacle course. ⑦ Throughout East Africa, Swahili is typically the first language that two strangers attempt upon meeting. ⑧ The average East African encounters it in a variety of contexts, from the market, elementary education, and government “how to” publications, to popular radio programming and films. ⑨ New movies from India are often dubbed in Swahili and shown in towns and villages throughout Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda. ⑩ Thus, wherever the local vernaculars are just too many to handle, regional languages often come to the fore. 1. Which is the topic sentence of this paragraph?


2、 What kind of reference word is used in the fourth sentence to help connect the sentences together?

A:Personal pronoun.
B:Possessive pronoun.
答案: Personal pronoun.

3、 What does the word “it” in the eighth sentence refer to?

A:Linguistic obstacle.
B:Local vernacular.
答案: Swahili.

4、 What kind of emphatic device is used in the third sentence?

A:The passive voice.
D:Cleft sentence.
答案: Cleft sentence.





