商务英语精读IV SIS(江西师范大学) 中国大学慕课答案2024完整版100分



Unit 1 Part II 技能拓展 Business-oriented Skills 第1单元测验 Unit 1 Test

1、 In which of the following media can conservative voices most likely be heard in the US?

B:Fox News
答案: Fox News

2、 Chomsky is a very important intellectual figure in America in the following areas:

D:all of the above
答案: all of the above

3、 According to this passage, the function of a ‘filtering device’ in American universities is to remove:

A: people who are not intelligent.
B:people who think independently.
C:people who are not hard working.
D:people who internalize social norms.
答案: people who think independently.

4、 Which of the following statement is a null hypothesis?

A:A five-percent increase in price will adversely affect the sale of this product.
B: Power structures have a great effect on the media product.
C:There are no gender differences in the choice of tourist destinations.
D:Milk drinking is positively related with the height of children.
答案: There are no gender differences in the choice of tourist destinations.

5、 Which of the following sentences is grammatically incorrect?

A:If he carries on driving like that, he will end up dead.
B:Some researchers think most American people would end up to lose under the new tax plan.
C:She fled with her family during the war and ended up in a remote village.
D:If you do not study for the exam, you will definitely end up with a poor score.
答案: Some researchers think most American people would end up to lose under the new tax plan.

6、 In the US, the elite media are supposed to divert people with things like “professional sports, sex scandals, or the personalities and their problems,” according to What Makes Mainstream Media Mainstream.

答案: 错误
分析:The real mass media are basically trying to divert people with things like ““professional sports, sex scandals, or the personalities and their problems,” according to para. 6.

7、 Dramas as a TV genre are fictional TV shows/programs that aren’t funny and don’t try to make people laugh.

答案: 错误
分析:Comedies are funny and try to make people laugh.

8、 Carefully considering who you are writing for will have an impact not only on the content of your writing and the organization of your ideas, but also on the style of writing.

答案: 正确

9、 On a line chart, the x-axis is also called the dependent axis because its values depend on those of the y-axis.

答案: 错误
分析:The y-axis is also called the dependent axis because its values depend on those of the x-axis.

10、 The business research process is about learning everything possible about a company’s competitors and existing customers.

答案: 错误
分析:Business research also studies potential customers in addition to competitors and existing customers.

Unit 2 Part II 技能拓展 Business-oriented Skills 第2单元测验 Unit 2 Test

1、 Which of the following is NOT considered a type of intellectual property?

A:recipe for Coca-Cola
B:lyrics and melody of Jay Chou’s latest single
C:basic math formulas in textbooks
D:trademarks of Microsoft
答案: basic math formulas in textbooks

2、 Which of the following is NOT an example of Web 2.0?

A:personal websites
B:Google maps
D:Amazon’s customer review section
答案: personal websites

3、 Choose the correct word to fill in the blank. Technology is way ahead. The ____ power of the Internet was predicted long before anyone knew what it would mean: grassroots impulses bubble up more quickly in the wired world.

答案: democratizing

4、 Which of the following is NOT the function of parallel structure?

A:providing clarity
B:highlighting comparison and contrast
C:arousing the readers’ curiosity
D:providing emphasis
答案: arousing the readers’ curiosity

5、 Which type of intercultural communication barrier does the following case belong to?An American traveler could not communicate with a shopkeeper in China. A customer in the shop volunteered to be the interpreter, but the American had a hard time in understanding his English with a very strong Chinese accent.

A:language differences
B:body language
C:level of context
D:negative stereotypes
答案: language differences

6、 Read the statement below and decide whether it is true or false.Andrew Keen uses “the law of digital Darwinism” to describe the phenomenon that people who do not scruple to make radical remarks have an advantage on the Internet in this new era of Web 2.0.

答案: 正确

7、 Read the statement below and decide whether it is true or false.Andrew Keen believes Web 2.0 ushers in the democratization of the world.

答案: 错误

8、 Read the statement below and decide whether it is true or false.A good topic sentence can either be a simple fact or contain a specific idea.

答案: 错误

9、 Read the statement below and decide whether it is true or false.When writing about a bar chart, you’d better include specific data to explain the main trends or features in the first paragraph.

答案: 错误

10、 Read the statement below and decide whether it is true or false.Learning English is not just about learning grammar and vocabulary from textbooks. It also involves active learning from a variety of resources like websites, newspapers and magazines.

答案: 正确

Unit 3 Part II 技能拓展 Business-oriented Skills 第3单元测验 Unit 3 Test

1、 Which of the following words means “showing an unreasonably strong desire to obtain and keep money”?

答案: avaricious

2、 Which of the following words is used in the essay as a positive description of the French people?

答案: temperate

3、 As Nicolas Sarkozy’s prime minister, he has been seen as a safe pair of hands, a calming influence on the _______ president.

答案: impetuous

4、 Which of the following choices best explain what the underlined “which” in the following sentence refers to?I accidentally fell into the company of half a dozen gentlemen, who were engaged in a warm dispute about some political affair; the decision of which, as they were equally divided in their sentiments, they thought proper to refer to me, which naturally drew me in for a share of the conversation.

A:The gentlemen.
B:The political affair.
C:The warm dispute.
D:The gentlemen’s sentiments.
答案: The warm dispute.

5、 Which of the following choices is grammatically similar to the underlined part of the following sentence?Did these prejudices prevail only among the meanest and lowest of the people, perhaps they might be excused, as they have few, if any, opportunities of correcting them by reading, traveling, or conversing with foreigners.





