专业外语(辽宁科技学院) 中国大学慕课答案2024完整版100分



人工智能概述 第一单元测试

1、 Artificial Intelligence is the science and engineering of _____.

A:creating machines that can calculate faster than human beings
B:creating systems that can think, learn and understand as intelligently as human beings
C:creating machines that can store larger amounts of data than human beings can
D:creating systems that can think, decide and reason better than human beings
答案: creating systems that can think, learn and understand as intelligently as human beings

2、 According to the passage, Artificial Intelligence can be applied in the following fields EXCEPT _____.

A:playing games
B:handling different accents and voices
C:going into the war
D:performing extreme tasks
答案: going into the war

3、 The handwriting recognition system can read texts by _____.

A:analyzing the grammatical rules
B:translating the texts
C:scanning the key information
D:identifying the shapes of the letters
答案: identifying the shapes of the letters

4、 Artificial Intelligence is possible if scientists can _____.

A:study how computers work normally
B:study how human brain works normally
C:study how large amounts of data can be stored
D:study how computing speed can be increased
答案: study how human brain works normally

5、 Why does the author mention “a full-time Einstein”?

A:Artificial Intelligence is a new field in which anyone can make new discoveries and contributions.
B:Artificial Intelligence is a brand-new field in which scientists have to give their previous research.
C:Artificial Intelligence is so complex that only those top scientists can do research in it.
D:Artificial Intelligence is such a complicated study that one has to fully concentrate in it.
答案: Artificial Intelligence is a new field in which anyone can make new discoveries and contributions.

6、 People with a wide range of ____ are more competitive in the job market.

答案: disciplines

7、 All the top universities in the world are appealing to students from over the world not only because of their excellence in teaching and researching but also because of their cultural ___.

答案: diversity

8、 An increasing number of college students start to ____ their own business after they graduate.

答案: pursue

9、 It took them three weeks to __ the old car park __ a playing ground for the residents nearby.

答案: turn…into

10、 The equipment is now ____ normally thanks to the maintenance of the engineers.

答案: functioning

人工智能与机器学习 第二单元测试

1、 Machine Learning is an application _____.

A:that used to be an academic discipline of AI in early days
B:aimed to guide the computers to learn and adjust actions under human assistance
C:to provide AI with the capability to learn by itself and from experience
D:with observations on data to make a better decision at the moment
答案: to provide AI with the capability to learn by itself and from experience

2、 How can Machine Learning deal with massive information more effectively?

A:By using more time and resources in training it properly.
B:By analyzing massive quantities of data.
C:By combining itself with AI and cognitive technologies.
D:By identifying results of profitable opportunities or dangerous risks.
答案: By combining itself with AI and cognitive technologies.

3、 According to the passage, Machine Learning has been used in some fields EXCEPT _____.

A:in medical diagnosis
B:in film recommendation
C:in self-driving vehicles
D:in financial crisis prediction
答案: in medical diagnosis

4、 What may be the reason(s) that Machine Learning programs fail to deliver expected results?

A:Lack of visiting on appropriate data.
B:Wrong choices of tasks and algorithms.
C:Privacy problems.
D:All of above.
答案: All of above.

5、 What can we learn in the last paragraph?

A:A Machine Learning system can predict the needs of new customer groups that are not represented in the training data.
B:Data biases may occur when Machine Learning is trained on man-made data.
C:Google photos can now recognize real gorillas.
D:It takes a short time to use Machine Learning effectively in every field.
答案: Data biases may occur when Machine Learning is trained on man-made data.

6、 One advantage of having _limbs is that you can upgrade them.

答案: artificial

7、 I don’t want to ___ any bad habits from those people.

A:take up
B:get up
C:pick up
D:give up
答案: pick up

8、 Staff wore name __ and called inmates by their first names.

答案: tags

9、 Make a list of your child’s toys and then ___ them as sociable or antisocial.

答案: categorize

10、 If you ___ a solution to a problem or the reason for something, you succeed in solving it or understanding it.

A:watch out
B:put out
C:sort out
D:figure out
答案: figure out

人工智能的未来发展 第三单元测试

1、 In Ray Kurzweil’s view, our age is different from all the previous ones in that _____.

A:there is an increasing number of “runaway” technologies in our age
B:there’s a rocketing pace of development in technologies in our age
C:there are more and more Artificial Intelligence researchers in our age
D:there are more and more climate changes in our age
答案: there’s a rocketing pace of development in technologies in our age

2、 According to the passage, Ray Kurzweil and other advocates are optimistic about Artificial Intelligence because they believe _____.

A:the technology will help us solve various problems in society
B:the technology will be controlled by the human being
C:the technology will develop at an accelerating pace
D:the technology will evolve beyond our ability to control or understand
答案: the technology will help us solve various problems in society

3、 IBM has a plan to develop its supercomputer “Watson” into _____.





