证据法(全英文)(北京理工大学) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试


The First Week,Evidence Law Unit Test 1

1、 Which one is not the method of trial in the system of divine testimony

答案: Both of A,B and C are the methods of trial

2、 The legal evidence system is ()to the divine evidence system.

答案: inheritance

3、 What are the basic principles of evidence law

答案: Evidence adjudication principle;
Principle of presumption of innocence;
Procedures are legal;
Principle of not forcing self incrimination

4、 Which of the following are the orgins of evidence law

答案: Constitution;
Procedure law;
Criminal law;
Judicial interpretation

5、 Judicial Discretion System first appeared in a Italy decree issued in 1791, which stipulated that “judges must use their own free testimony as the sole basis for adjudication”.

答案: 错误

6、 The system of legal evidence is in order to restrict the judge’s power,preventing the judge from abusing judicial power,and to help to maintain feudal centralism.

答案: 正确

7、 The theoretical basis of evidence law are()and().
答案: epistemology axiology

8、 The legilative mode of evidence law includes()and().
答案: separate legislation mixed legislation


The Second Week,Evidence Law Unit Test 2

1、 The principle of presumption of innocence was written into law for the first time in which country

答案: French

2、 The human rights was first written into Chinese constitution in().

答案: 2004

3、 The theoretical basis of the principles Against Self-incrimination lies in().

答案: This principle is the inevitable requirement of the principle of presumption of innocence and burden of proof.;
The principle is the embodiment of the theory of human rights protection in criminal proceedings.;
The principle is also a requirement of humanism,individualism and liberalism.;
The principle reflects the criminal procedure to pay attention to the legitimacy of the procedure.

4、 Which of the following are the contents of principle of legal proceedings?

答案: How to collect,examine and judge evidence.;
How to determine the facts of a case based on evidence.

5、 The establishment of the principle of evidence adjudication in the legal provisions started from Japan and further affected Asia and even the world.

答案: 正确

6、 The right of silence is stipulated in Chinese Criminal Procedure Law.

答案: 错误


The Third Week,Evidence Law Unit Test 3

1、 As for documentary evidence, which one of the following is right

答案: Character evidence is the most common documentary evidence.

2、 Which one of the following is true about evidence

答案: From the content and essence,the evidence must be the fact that has some relationships with the case.

3、 Which of the followng are the meaning of physical evidence

答案: Strong objectivity that can paly a control to statement of parties and witness, etc.;
Draw forth and verify other evidence.;
An important method that prove and ascertain facts.

4、 Which of the following statements about the relevance of the evidence are true

答案: The relevance between the evidence and case facts is objective.;
The form of expression of relevance is varied.

5、 Which of the following are the definition of witness testimony

答案: Statements that has relations with case conditions.;
Anyone who are no parties and who realize case conditions.;
Concerning what he/she perceived.;
Tell the state organs.

6、 All materials that may be used to prove the facts of a case are evidence.

答案: 正确

7、 Indirect evidence generally can only prove part fact, notmain fact.

答案: 正确



The Fourth Week,Evidence Law Unit Test 4

1、 Which of the following is not the part of the definition of the expert opinion

答案: video and audio materials that contain content related to the case

2、 Sound recording is a type of()

答案: Audio-Visual material

3、 Which of the following are the electronic data

答案: Communication information of network application services such as mobile phone text messages, emails, instant messaging, and communication groups;;
Electronic files such as documents, pictures,audio and video, digital certificates, and computer programs;;
Information published on web platforms, such as webpages,blogs, microblogs, Moments of Friends, Tieba , and Netdisk;;
User registration information, identity authentication information, electronic transaction records, communication records,login logs and other information;

4、 Which of the fololowing are the characters of expert opinion

答案: produced after a case;;
an identification or evaluation expert has special knowledge,who is assigned or retained to conduct identification or evaluation;;
a kind of judgment which can only be made by special knowledge,an opinion evidence;

5、 Which of the following are the rights belong to expert according to the chapter”Expert Opinion”

答案: know the case materials related to the judicial authentication;
refuse to make judicial authentication when there are no conditions;
collect fees and obtain corresponding economic compensation

6、 Expert witnesses sometimes function as an advocate for one side or the other in the court.

答案: 错误

7、 Electronic data refers to evidence in electronic form such as e mails, online chat records, electronic signatures, and access records related to the facts of the case.

答案: 正确





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证据法(全英文)(北京理工大学) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试第1张




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