


Task 1: Preparing before receiving guests Preparations before receiving guests

1、 翻译:中国青年旅行社

A:China Youth Travel Service (CYTS)
B:China Travel Service/ Agency (CTS/CTA)
C:Overseas Chinese Travel Services (OCTS)
D:International Travel Service (CITS)
答案: China Youth Travel Service (CYTS)

2、 翻译:中国旅行社

A:China Youth Travel Service (CYTS)
B:China Travel Service/ Agency (CTS/CTA)
C:Overseas Chinese Travel Services (OCTS)
D:International Travel Service (CITS)
答案: China Travel Service/ Agency (CTS/CTA)

3、 翻译:中国海外旅行社

A:China Youth Travel Service (CYTS)
B:China Travel Service/ Agency (CTS/CTA)
C:Overseas Chinese Travel Services (OCTS)
D:International Travel Service (CITS)
答案: Overseas Chinese Travel Services (OCTS)

4、 翻译:中国国旅

A:China Youth Travel Service (CYTS)
B:China Travel Service/ Agency (CTS/CTA)
C:Overseas Chinese Travel Services (OCTS)
D:International Travel Service (CITS)
答案: International Travel Service (CITS)

5、 翻译:congress tour

答案: 会议游

6、 翻译:vocational group

答案: 休假团

7、 翻译:all-in/tour

答案: 统包旅游

8、 翻译:government delegation

答案: 政府代表团

9、 I am Bob White.My first name is ____.
答案: Bob

10、 I am Bob White.My last name is ______.
答案: White

11、 Her name is Gina Black.Her first name is ____.
答案: Gina

12、 Her name is Gina Black.Her last name is _____.
答案: Black

Task 1: Preparing before receiving guests Addressing & Introducing people

1、 属于“介绍他人”(How to introduce people)的句型有?

A:This is …and this is…
B:I would like to introduce…to you.
C: Let me introduce …to you.
D:May I introduce you to…?
答案: This is …and this is…;
I would like to introduce…to you.;
Let me introduce …to you.;
May I introduce you to…?

2、 属于在正式场合“介绍他人”(Formal-between stranger or business partners)的句型有?

A:May I introduce… to you?
B:I’d like to introduce… to you.
C:He’s…. (background information)
答案: May I introduce… to you?;
I’d like to introduce… to you.;
He’s…. (background information)

3、 属于“熟人之间问候”(To greet people– Between Acquaintances)的句型有?

A:Hello, Hi.
B:How are you?
C:How’s it going?
D:How are you doing?
答案: Hello, Hi.;
How are you? ;
How’s it going? ;
How are you doing?

4、 属于在第一次见面“问候他人”(To greet people– The first time’s meeting)的句型有?

A:How do you do?
B:It’s a pleasure to meet you.
C:It’s good to know you.
D:I’m glad to know you.
答案: How do you do? ;
It’s a pleasure to meet you.;
It’s good to know you.;
I’m glad to know you.

5、 第一次接团(接站)需要掌握的信息有哪些?

A: name of the travel agency
B:the group code
C:name of the tour leader and national guide
D:number of tourists
答案: name of the travel agency;
the group code;
name of the tour leader and national guide;
number of tourists

6、 以下情景属于正式还是非正式场合(Formal or Informal?)?______ speaking with a boss or manager at work
答案: Formal

7、 以下情景属于正式还是非正式场合(Formal or Informal?)?______ talking to your brothers and sisters
答案: Informal

8、 以下情景属于正式还是非正式场合(Formal or Informal?)?______ talking to your teacher for the first time
答案: Formal

9、 以下情景属于正式还是非正式场合(Formal or Informal?)?______ speaking to an older adult
答案: Formal

10、 以下情景属于正式还是非正式场合(Formal or Informal?)?__ speaking to classmates
答案: Informal

Task 2: Receiving the new arrival tourists Welcome speech

1、 以下关于“我很荣幸地代表某某向来自某地方的某人表示热烈的欢迎”的英语表述,正确的是?

A:On behalf of sb, I have the honor to express warm welcome to sb from sp.
B:On behalf of sb, I I feel greatly honored to expresswarm welcome to sb from sp.
C:On behalf of sb, I have the honorto extend warm welcome to sb from sp.
D:On behalf of sb, I feel greatly honored to extend warm welcome to sb from sp.
答案: On behalf of sb, I have the honor to express warm welcome to sb from sp.;
On behalf of sb, I I feel greatly honored to expresswarm welcome to sb from sp.;
On behalf of sb, I have the honorto extend warm welcome to sb from sp.;
On behalf of sb, I feel greatly honored to extend warm welcome to sb from sp.

2、 以下关于“请允许我向远道而来的贵宾表示热烈的欢迎和亲切的问候。”的英语表述,正确的是?

A:Permit me to express these warm welcome and gracious greetings to our distinguished guests coming from afar.
B:Permit me/ to extend these warm welcome and gracious greetings to our distinguished guests coming from afar.
C:Please allow me to extend these warm welcome and gracious greetings to our distinguished guests coming from afar.
D:Please allow me to express hese warm welcome and gracious greetings to our distinguished guests coming from afar.
答案: Permit me to express these warm welcome and gracious greetings to our distinguished guests coming from afar.;
Permit me/ to extend these warm welcome and gracious greetings to our distinguished guests coming from afar.;
Please allow me to extend these warm welcome and gracious greetings to our distinguished guests coming from afar.;
Please allow me to express hese warm welcome and gracious greetings to our distinguished guests coming from afar.

3、 以下关于“我很愉快地以我个人的名义,向某某表示热烈的欢迎。”的英语表述,正确的是?

A:I am very delighted to extend this personal warm welcome to …
B:I am very delighted to express this personal warm welcome to …
C:On behalf of sb, I feel greatly honored to express warm welcome to sb from sp.
D:On behalf of sb, I have the honor to express warm welcome to sb from sp.
答案: I am very delighted to extend this personal warm welcome to …;
I am very delighted to express this personal warm welcome to …

4、 以下关于“我愿意借此机会,我谨代表……,向……表示真诚的感谢。”的英语表述,正确的是?





