


第一周 Meeting Public Speaking 演讲基础知识 Quiz 1 Meeting public speaking

1、 This course believes public speaking is for everyone. By this we mean ____.

A:Public speaking is done for the profit of everyone.
B:Speakers must consider the needs of everyone when preparing a speech.
C:Public speaking is nature, not nurture.
D:We all engage in verbal communications that can be approached “as public speaking.”
答案: We all engage in verbal communications that can be approached “as public speaking.”

2、 Which of the following is the most communication-style?

A:Presidential candidates doing a TV debate.
B:Giving a speech at TED.
C:Taking a job interview.
D:Discussing a research topic with teammates.
答案: Discussing a research topic with teammates.

3、 Which of the following TED talks is more likely to be persuasive?

A:“Why doesn’t the leaning tower of Pisa fall over?”
B:“The secret language of the trees”
C:“The Amazon belongs to humanity—let’s protect it together”
D:”Ten ways to have a better conversation”
答案: “The Amazon belongs to humanity—let’s protect it together”

4、 Please take a quick look at the beginning 1 minute of a video clip featuring Chinese scientist Tu Yoyo’s (屠呦呦)Nobel lecture “Discovery of Artemisinin – A gift from traditional Chinese medicine to the world.” The male voice at the very beginning of the video clip was from Professor Jan Andersson, Adjunct Member of the Nobel Committee for Physiology or Medicine. His was a speech of _____.


D:Anniversary celebration
答案: Introduction

5、 By calling public speaking skills “a man’s best suit and a woman’s most handy handbag,” we mean _____.

A:Public speaking skills can bring you material benefits.
B:Public speaking can spice up your life, making it more fun.
C:Public speaking increases your social attractiveness, especially on important occasions.
D:When it comes to public speaking, men and women need different skill sets!
答案: Public speaking increases your social attractiveness, especially on important occasions.

6、 Which of the following sentences would be typically found in a speech of presentation?

A:Welcome to this special event in which we greet (Title and name) and welcome him/her to (Place).
B:I’d like you to please extend a warmest welcome to (Title and name).
C:And the (Name of prize) goes to (Name of prize winner).
D:Thank you all so much for sharing this incredible journey with me.
答案: And the (Name of prize) goes to (Name of prize winner).

7、 Imagine a guest speaker is to give a lecture and you’re the one to make the speech of introduction. Which of the following goes first?

A:Welcoming the audience
B:Welcoming guest speaker
C:Introducing yourself
D:Introducing guest speaker
答案: Welcoming the audience

8、 Volunteering means working without pay. It doesn’t involve public speaking.

答案: 错误

9、 In TED talk “Your body language may shape who you are,” by saying “I don’t have ego involved in this,” Amy Cuddy tries to persuade us that we need to let ourselves go when doing power posing.

答案: 错误
分析:英语演讲中集聚了优质的语言,通过英语演讲学习可以提高语言能力。这道题就是一道语言题。Ego是指一个人对自我价值的认知,常翻译为“自我”、“自尊”。这里Amy Cuddy是在说她希望大家把这个方法推荐给更多人,让更多人受益,而不是为了她自己成名:I don’t have my ego involved =(推广这个方法)这件事和我的自我无关。而let ourselves go 相当于“放下顾虑,放飞自我”。

10、 This course will be fun!

答案: 正确
分析:Haha, 谢谢对我们有信心!

第二周 No Fear Public Speaking 克服演讲恐惧 Quiz 2 No fear public speaking

1、 The “I” in the NIPP+ anti-stage fright recipe stands for ___:

答案: invisible

2、 The 5P principle tells us to ____:

A:just relax
B:research well
C:prepare fully
D:stay hungry, stay foolish
答案: prepare fully

3、 The ultimate cure for stage fright, according to this week’s lectures, is _____.

B:deep breathing
C:active gestures
D:focusing on what you say
答案: focusing on what you say

4、 Which of the following statements is false regarding the “fight-or-flight response” in TED talk “The science of stage fright”?

A:It is a threat reaction.
B:It’s a self-protective process.
C:It’s easy to overcome.
D:It can be seen in a number of animals, humans included.
答案: It’s easy to overcome.

5、 What has made public speaking particularly fearsome for Megan Washington?

C:Time shortage
D:Lack of creativity
答案: Stutter

6、 ”It just means I now have a better understanding of what’s _____ stake, and how giving up is not an option.” (Saflem: Why I keep speaking up even when people mock my accent)

答案: at

7、 Can our NIPP+ solution help you cope fear in other areas?

B:Please choose A :))
C:Please choose A :))
D:Please choose A :))
答案: YES!!

8、 Which of the following constitutes the three elements for successful speechmaking?

答案: Content;

9、 In a modern society, people are no longer afraid of public speaking. If I’m afraid of it, I’m a weirdo and should be ashamed of myself.

答案: 错误
分析:Michael Jackson有一首歌,叫“You’re not alone”。在演讲这件事上,我们都有权利也都在不同程度地畏惧着。演讲恐惧面前,人人平等呀!

第三周 Speech Content 演讲的内容 Quiz 3 Speech content

1、 Imagine you’re discussing the misuse of powerful prescription drugs (处方药). This is what you say: “Think of Heath Ledger, and Michael Jackson. Both died from overuse of prescription drugs.” What supporting method are you using?

A:Brief examples
B:Extended examples
C:Hypothetical examples
D:Multiple statistics
答案: Brief examples

2、 “In your body language may shape who you are,” Amy Cuddy shared with her audience her personal story–how she lost and was later able to rebuild her confidence. What supporting method was that?

A:Brief examples
B:Extended examples
C:Hypothetical examples
D:Multiple statistics
答案: Extended examples

3、 In “How to spot a liar,” Pamela Meyer explained how we could spot a liar by examining his/her verbal performance and bodily performance. For this part, then, she was using ____:

A:Chronological organization
B:Spatial organization
C:Problem-solution organization
D:Topical organization
答案: Topical organization

4、 Let’s again think about the very famous Monroe’s Motivated Sequence pattern under 3.2 “Go tell it in the forum.” The core part–Need, Satisfaction–actually uses one of the four most common patterns we learned this week. Which one is it?






