


Unit 2 Business Writing Process 第二章 商务英语写作过程 第二单元测验

1、 Experts say that writers should spend the most time in the ____ stage of the writing process.

答案: revising

2、 The primary purpose of business writing is typically to inform or persuade; a common secondary purpose is to__

A:promote goodwill
B:comply with governmental regulations.
C:create written documentation
D:avoid lawsuits
答案: promote goodwill

3、 You are selecting a channel for sending your message. Which of the following is not a factor to consider when making this decision?

A:Amount and speed of feedback and interactivity required
B:Cost of the channel
C:Confidentiality and sensitivity of the message
D:Your competitors’ channel use
答案: Your competitors’ channel use

4、 Human Resources Manager Claire Siu must inform Anthony that company job changes will require him to seek retraining or lose his position. The best channel for Ms. Siu to deliver this message is

A:an e-mail message
B:face-to-face communication
C:voice mail
D:an instant message
答案: face-to-face communication

5、 What question should you ask to visualize your audience?

A:What position does the person hold in the organization?
B:Do I need to include more background information?
C:Should I expect a neutral, positive, or negative response to my message?
D:All answer choices are questions you should ask to visualize your audience.
答案: All answer choices are questions you should ask to visualize your audience.

6、 Neil must develop a proposal for his supervisor that will describe the cost savings for an automated call center. Where should he begin?

A:Writing the proposal
B:Locating other proposals that he can copy
C:Researching the proposal
D:Determining an appropriate layout
答案: Researching the proposal

7、 Formal research methods are generally required for what type(s) of business document(s)?

A:Routine e-mail messages
B:Routine memos
C:Long reports and complex business problems
D:All of these choices would require formal research.
答案: Long reports and complex business problems

8、 Quality Building Materials Inc. has developed a new whole-house weather blanket and needs to determine the price point at which builders would switch to this new product. The best research method for this is a(n)

A:manual search of other companies’ price lists.
B:interview with a local builder
C:Internet search of insulation values for weather blankets
D:scientific experiment that presents price choices with controlled variables
答案: scientific experiment that presents price choices with controlled variables

9、 Which of the following business messages would use the direct strategy?

A:A letter denying credit to a customer
B:A sales letter
C:A letter rejecting a customer’s claim
D:An e-mail to your staff reminding them of the upcoming all-staff meeting
答案: An e-mail to your staff reminding them of the upcoming all-staff meeting

10、 Which of the following message openings is the most direct opening for an e-mail message announcing a new telecommuting plan?

A:A number of employees have asked about telecommuting options.
B:Many businesses have been implementing telecommuting programs, and we have studied their programs extensively.
C:Rising gas prices have led many companies to allow telecommuting, and we think this might be a good idea for our company.
D:Our new telecommuting program will begin on August 1.
答案: Our new telecommuting program will begin on August 1.

11、 What is a comma splice?

A:Two independent clauses run together without punctuation or a conjunction
B:Two independent clauses joined by a comma without a conjunction
C:A broken-off part of a complex sentence
D:Two dependent clauses
答案: Two independent clauses joined by a comma without a conjunction

12、 Which of the following contains no sentence faults?

A:Which is why we are considering new health insurance options.
B:HealthNet’s coverage is extensive, and the rates are fair.
C:Review the list of benefits, then let me know what you think.
D:Having good health insurance is important to employees we need to keep that in mind.
答案: HealthNet’s coverage is extensive, and the rates are fair.

13、 Which of the following sentences demonstrates concise writing?

A:At this point in time, we will not build additional satellite offices.
B:There are many candidates applying for the marketing position.
C:Cherrie Hull will be our interim director effective May 1.
D:You will learn the basic fundamentals of the new software package in today’s seminar.
答案: Cherrie Hull will be our interim director effective May 1.

14、 Which of the following best avoids flabby expressions?

A:In very few cases do job applicants perform adequate research about a company.
B:The CEO is of the opinion that stock prices will increase next quarter.
C:Although many employees have requested training, we can’t afford the extra expense.
D:We do not expect any pay raises at this point in time.
答案: Although many employees have requested training, we can’t afford the extra expense.

15、 Which of the following best avoids a long lead-in?

A:Yes, we will send the information you requested.
B:This is to advise you that we will send the information you requested.
C:You may be interested to learn that we will send the information you requested.
D:I am writing this letter to inform you that we will send the information you requested.
答案: Yes, we will send the information you requested.

16、 Which of the following sentences avoids noun conversion?

A:Your supervisor will give consideration to all capital budget requests.
B:The committee worked on the establishment of a fund for scholarships.
C:The benefits committee will be responsible for the acquisition of an endowment.
D:The scholarship committee approved the plan.
答案: The scholarship committee approved the plan.

17、 Which of the following is most acceptable for business writing?

A:Please think about the new insurance option.
B:Caltrek experienced a change in profits during the last fiscal year.
C:Retailers can expect to pay higher amounts for their goods and services.
D:Sheila will examine the job proposal carefully.
答案: Sheila will examine the job proposal carefully.

18、 Which of the following sentences demonstrates clear writing?

A:A supervisor asked everyone to work an extra day.
B:A supervisor asked production employees to work an extra day.
C:A supervisor asked everyone to work on Saturday.
D:Lindsey Goulet asked production employees to work on Saturday.
答案: Lindsey Goulet asked production employees to work on Saturday.

19、 Which of the following sentences contains the best use of vivid adjectives without overkill?

A:The resort offered luxurious suites with Jacuzzi tubs and saunas.
B:The all-inclusive, top-notch resort offered luxurious, totally marvelous suites with incredible extras.
C:The resort had nice rooms.
D:All sentences use vivid adjectives effectively.
答案: The resort offered luxurious suites with Jacuzzi tubs and saunas.

20、 Which of the following sentences uses modifiers correctly?

A:Competent in computer graphics, our Web site was designed by Gloria.
B:To take advantage of the discounted pricing, place your order immediately.
C:To meet customers’ orders, shipments must be increased.
D:Placing the proposal on the desk, the office was left by John.
答案: To take advantage of the discounted pricing, place your order immediately.

21、 Shannon is writing a proposal to the board of directors to upgrade the company’s computer equipment. After completing the prewriting phase, Shannon should immediately start composing the report.

答案: 错误
分析:Before Shannon can organize material and compose her proposal, she must collect information in the researching step of the second phase in the writing process.

22、 To be effective, the three phases of the writing process must be performed in sequence, moving from Phase 1 to Phase 2 to Phase 3 in order.

答案: 错误
分析:The writing process is not always linear. It does not always proceed from Phase 1 to Phase 2 to Phase 3. Often the writer must circle back and repeat an earlier step.

23、 Roy needs to get feedback from sales representatives located across the US and Europe. Because he needs to have the most interactivity and feedback possible, the best channel of communication for Roy is videoconferencing or audioconferencing.

答案: 正确
分析:Because Roy needs a media-rich channel to permit interaction, he should use videoconferencing or audioconferencing to gain information from this geographically dispersed group.

24、 Although messages may have a primary and a secondary audience, the writer needs to profile only the primary audience to determine the best presentation of the message.




