


Unit 1 Part I 大众媒体 Mass Media Reading for specific information

1、 To Chomsky, it is almost impossible to study the media in the manner of scholarship.

答案: 错误

2、 Almost all work in media analysis is on making assumptions about the nature and structure of the media.

答案: 错误

3、 The real mass media are basically trying to divert people and the important contents are reserved for the elite media to manage.

答案: 正确

4、 There are filtering devices in academic institutions such as universities to weed out people who think independently and don’t conform to the power system.

答案: 正确

5、 The New York Times makes money via two channels: selling newspapers to its audience and selling advertisements to big corporations.

答案: 错误

Unit 1 Part I 大众媒体 Mass Media Cloze

1、 You are almost always better off if you could listen to the of your elders.
答案: counsel

2、 Her was left to her brother as her husband had died and she didn’t have any children
答案: estate

3、 Some that the distant planet could sustain life. But so far there is no solid evidence for any signs of life there.
答案: (以下答案任选其一都对)have conjectured;

4、 It emerged that the young hijacker was a survivor of a massacre of street children by off-duty Rio policemen in 1993.
答案: crazed

5、 In local elections the year after, the conservatives won a(n) majority and left the reformists with none. But after the nuclear deal and the lifting of sanctions, the situation got reversed.
答案: outright

6、 The double-digit inflation that in 2011 has subsided, and exports of textiles and electronics are booming.
答案: prevailed

7、 The usual explanation for this lack of adventure is that Mrs. Watanabe, the housewife who holds the family purse strings, has been averse to risk, especially since the stock market bubble burst in 1990.
答案: archetypal

8、 A(n) of gardeners tended lawns by a lake, while chauffeur-driven black Mercedes awaited the officials who were emerging from meetings.
答案: phalanx

9、 The reading wasn’t bad; she just needs to tweak it a bit, the funny stuff and learn how to deliver punch lines.
答案: play up

10、 It is impossible to say at what point along the a dialect becomes a separate language.
答案: continuum

11、 In the middle of town, a(n) brick building provides a clue as to what makes the place unusual.
答案: unobtrusive

12、 Medical care in the U.S. is generally the well-being and financial health of hospitals, doctors, nurses, medical associations, pharmaceutical firms.
答案: geared to

13、 The current trend for migrant populations is to urban centers in search of access to services and employment opportunities.
答案: gravitate towards

14、 testing uses one single exam to measure students’ performance and decide the course of their life. This has caused much stress for students, parents, teachers, and school administrators.
答案: High-stakes

15、 The confrontations between the Democrats and Republicans are inevitable due to the nature of the two-party system.
答案: adversarial

16、 In order to enough profits to satisfy their shareholders, banks have slashed costs and increased prices; their return on equity has turned out to be unimpressive.
答案: grind out

17、 One approach to address multiple-choice questions is to first all the unsuitable choices or answers.
答案: weed out

18、 While there is some at least theoretical logic here, it is a highly claim and an extraordinarily difficult calculation.
答案: speculative

19、 The imperial government was a political labyrinth of personal, provincial, regional, racial, ideological and functional groupings and relationships — confusing to the novice and to the foreigner.
答案: baffling

20、 is a term used to describe ideas or explanations that are generally accepted as true by the public or by experts in a field.
答案: Conventional wisdom

Unit 1 Part II 技能拓展 Business-oriented Skills Unit 1 Word family

1、 Volkswagen said the software allowing its diesel vehicles to evade emissions rules is in with European law, as the carmaker aims to toughen its legal defenses in view of a possible rise in compensation claims in its home region.
答案: conformity

2、 Maine’s new liquor law caused dissatisfaction all over the state; it is a statute which is regarded as and as putting a premium of corruption.
答案: tyrannical

3、 Last September, Archer Malmo in Memphis sponsored a contest among its employees to create campaigns for clients, which led to an agency’s landing of a real client
答案: hypothetical

4、 The companies working to bring television to the United States are endlessly optimistic that the big breakthrough for their industry is just around the corner, despite nearly 50 years of miscast experimentation and failure.
答案: interactive

5、 Like an astrological chart, the concept of the genogram can be made to fit any case, and it works better retrospectively than .
答案: predictively

6、 The Legislature today approved a bill that would make the deduction and other provisions of the commuter income tax with those in the New York income tax law.
答案: conform

7、 The claim that chief executives’ pay has soared in recent years because C.E.O.s have figured out how to game the corporate compensation system is sometimes referred to as the fat cat , which needs further refinement.
答案: hypothesis

8、 A start-up in California is studying how self-driving vehicles will communicate with the world around them, as well as with their passengers.
答案: Interact

Unit 1 Part II 技能拓展 Business-oriented Skills Idioms, phrasal verbs and fixed expressions

1、 Donald Trump faced a new conservative challenger — a former CIA counter-terrorism officer who launched an independent presidential bid him.
答案: against

2、 Mall walking began in the age of innocence, back in the early 1960s, when physicians figured that the only way to persuade people to take exercise was to combine it with shopping.
答案: out

3、 The press has been speculating on whether the Trump Administration will weed medical marijuana.
答案: out

4、 While some stockbrokers were dealing yesterday with small investors, others were geared big institutions.
答案: to

5、 The senator told the reporters that his remarks were strictly the record so they cannot go public.
答案: off

6、 All of us have moments when we simply can’t help ourselves and blurt things we ultimately regret.
答案: out

7、 Rabbi Norman Lamm, the spiritual leader of the Jewish Center in New York, cautioned that Jewish religious schools “must not be biased the policy of teaching of the holocaust,” adding that “many millions were killed in World War II — non-Jews and Jews, religious and secularists, believers and atheists.”
答案: towards

8、 Leaked speech excerpts showed a Hillary Clinton ease with Wall Street and embracing unfettered trade in paid speeches to financial firms.
答案: at

9、 What’s the heart of policy decisions on welfare — and what should be? The researcher considers fundamental questions about the welfare safety net.
答案: at

10、 The racial issue is truly a pain the neck for the presidential candidates to deal with.
答案: in

Unit 3 Part I 文化差异 Cultural Differences Word Family

1、 As a(n) scientist, Dejun Yu refused a position in Britain and returned to China without hesitation in 1950.
答案: patriotic

2、 Puritan businessmen used very little of their profit for their own consumption and instead reinvested the bulk of the profit back into the business. They had for the aristocrats and their consumption of luxuries.
答案: contempt

3、 Courage in excess becomes foolhardiness, affection weakness, thrift .
答案: avarice

4、 Our company has beyond expectations for our quality, on-time shipment and customer service.
答案: (以下答案任选其一都对)excelled;

5、 People who are feel a much stronger need to make quick and firm judgments and decisions in order to reduce ambiguity.
答案: (以下答案任选其一都对)prejudiced;

6、 Guests of the FOO Camp fell a discussion of the promising Web 2.0 revolution.
答案: into

7、 It is not too late to talk moving our headquarters to Xiong’an.
答案: (以下答案任选其一都对)of;

8、 Global positioning satellites are used to determine position great accuracy.
答案: with

9、 the appreciative eye, you look for what works rather than what doesn’t work; you focus on positive outcomes not negative.
答案: With





