In the Civil War, the North was weak, and the South was strong.( )错误 Modern weapons were used in the Civil War.( )正确 In



In the Civil War, the North was weak, and the South was strong.( )错误 Modern weapons were used in the Civil War.( )正确 In the Civil War, the North lost more people than the South.( )正确





In the Civil War, the North was weak, and the South was strong.( )错误 Modern weapons were used in the Civil War.( )正确 In第1张

In the Civil War, the North was weak, and the South was strong.( )错误 Modern weapons were used in the Civil War.( )正确 In第2张


Western Names

In the format of western names,which name is put first?( )D

  • AFamily name
  • BLast name
  • CSurname
  • DFirst name

Bill is the short version of ( ).A

  • AWilliam
  • BSteven
  • CRobert
  • DRichard

There is only one given name in western name.( )错误

What is Culture

Culture is the beliefs, ( ) and way-of-life of a community or society.C

  • Atraditions
  • Bhabits
  • Ccustoms
  • Dcostumes

Which one is not the key aspect of Chinese culture?( )D

  • AChinese food
  • BSpring Festivel
  • CChinese medicine
  • DFootball

Chinese culture is better than American culture.( )错误

Topography of the USA

( ) and Hawaii are seperated from American mainland.D

  • AColorado
  • BIndiana
  • CAlabama
  • DAlaska

The two significant mountain ranges of American are ( ) and Appalachian Mountains.A

  • ARocky Mountains
  • BAndes Mountains
  • CAlps Mountains
  • DAtlas Mountains

Which is the largest states by population?( )C

  • ATexas
  • BNew York
  • CCalifornia
  • DFlorida

Boston is on the West Coast of America.( )错误

Three icons of America

Why is Yellowstone National Park important?( )A

  • ABecause it is the first national park in the world.
  • BBecause it is in America.
  • CBecause it is the biggest national park in America.
  • DBecause it is the first national park in America.

Washington, Jefferson, () and Lincoln’s faces are made on the Mount Rushmore.( )B

  • AMadison
  • BRoosevelt
  • CKennedy
  • DAdams

Which country provided the Statue of Liberty to America?( )D

  • AThe United Kingdom
  • BCanada
  • CAustralia
  • DFrance

Comparison of the USA and China

Which is not the major environment issues of America?( )C

  • AAir pollution
  • BWater shortage
  • CLoss of agricultural land
  • Ddesertification

Which one is wrong, about the geography of America and China?( )A

  • AChina has more railways than America.
  • BAmerica has two neighbour countries, Canada and Mexico.
  • CBoth America and China’s climates vary greatly.
  • DAmerica’s land is less than China’s, but water in America is more than China.

The most fresh water used in China is in ( ).D

  • ADomestic
  • BIndustry
  • CLivestock
  • DAgriculture

In 2013, the population of China is about ( ) more than that of America.B

  • A3 times
  • B4 times
  • C5 times
  • D6 times

The total area of China is bigger than America.( )错误

America’s population growth rate is lower than China’s.( )错误

Comparison of the USA and China 2

The first three ethnic groups in the USA are ( ).A

  • AWhite, Hispanic and Black
  • BWhite, Black and Hispanic
  • CWhite, Black and Asian
  • DWhite, Asian and Black

In China, the life expectancy is ( ) years. C

  • A70
  • B72
  • C75
  • D79

1 kilogram is ( ) pounds. D

  • A6
  • B7
  • C1
  • D2

All the countries in the world adopt the metric system, except ( ), Myanmar and Liberia.B

  • Athe UK
  • Bthe USA
  • CFrance
  • DJapan

Everyone in America and China can read and write.( )错误


Which country is the second largest economy in the world?( )A

  • AChina
  • BJapan
  • CSouth Korea
  • DGermany

Which one of following is not an American company?( )D

  • AGoogle
  • BCocaCola
  • CFacebook
  • DAirbus

Per capita means a person.( )正确

Comparison of the USA and China

According to the 2013 statistics, which one of the following is wrong?( )C

  • AThe smallest part in the economic structure of developed countries is agriculture.
  • BThe biggest part of GDP composition in America is Services.
  • CIn 2013, GDP growth rate in America is higher than that in China.
  • DIn 2013, America’s inflation rate is lower than China’s.

Which one is right about the labour force in America and China?( )A

  • AMost of American labour force are in services.
  • BBoth America and China have the least labour force in agriculture.
  • CMost Chinese labour force are in agriculture.
  • DAmerican labour force is more than Chinese.

( ) is most used for the electricity production in the USA and China.D

  • AWater
  • BNuclear
  • CWind
  • DCoal

The UAS and ( ) is the major export markets of China.C

  • ACanada
  • BMexico
  • CJapan
  • DSouth Korea

Both American and Chinese governments have significant direct involvement in the economy.( )错误

Now services in China grows very fast.( )正确

The poverty lines in America and China are the same.( )错误

Agriculture in the USA

( ), Missouri, Iowa, Oklahoma and California have the most farms in the USA.C

  • AArizona
  • BMaryland
  • CTexas
  • DNevada

Which one is wrong about the American agriculture?( )D

  • ALarge family farms are much more productive.
  • BIn 2000, farm jobs are very few in America.
  • CMost income of farm households is from non-farm sources.
  • DIn America, all farmers have jobs in cities.

In 2012, the top 5 agricultural commodities of America are ( ), cattle, soybeans, dairy products and chickens for meat. A

  • ACorn
  • BPotato
  • CTomato
  • DCotton

96% of the farmers are black people.( )错误

In 2008, most of American agriculture imports were from China.( )错误

Global Financial Crisis

Recession is ( ) of negative GDP growth.D

  • A1 quarter
  • B2 quarters
  • C3 quarters
  • D4 quarters

The GFC Recession started in ( ).A

  • Athe USA
  • Bthe UK
  • CJapan
  • DFrance

The cause of the GFC Recession in 2007 was ( ). B

  • AStock bubble burst
  • BProperty bubble burst
  • CDotcom bubble burst
  • DAsset price bubble burst

Which one of following is wrong about the GFC Recession? ( )D

  • ABanks stopped lending.
  • BCompanies cut jobs.
  • CStock market crashed.
  • DPeople got more job opportunity.

China was not affected much by the GFC Recession.( )正确

A Hero and a Villain

Bernie Madoff’s clients lost about ( ) billion dollars.A

  • A10
  • B20
  • C30
  • D40

The New York magzine called Bernie Madoff ( ).C

  • AVillain
  • BHero
  • CMonster
  • DSaviour

Warren Buffett was born in a rich family.( )错误

Discovery of the ‘New World’

The main European power was Spain, France, ( ) and Great Britain.B

  • AItaly
  • BPortugal
  • CRussia
  • DGermany

Christopher Columbus was the first person to cross the ( ) Ocean.D

  • APacific
  • BIndian
  • CArctic
  • DAtlantic

Christopher Columbus did 5 voyages between 1492 and 1503.( )错误

British Colonies

The Britain founded ( ) colonies along the East Coast in America.C

  • A11
  • B12
  • C13
  • D14

The first fight between local people and British soldiers was at ( ).D

  • AWashington D.C.
  • BNew York
  • CBoston
  • DLexington and Concord

John Adams, Roger Sherman, Robert Livingston, Thomas Jefferson and ( )  wrote The Declaration of Independence.  A

  • ABenjamin Franklin
  • BAbraham Lincoln
  • CGeorge Washington
  • DPaul Revere

British people migrated to America with the ship called Mayflower in 1620.( )正确

The Declaration of Independence was made in 1775.( )错误

American War of independence

The war of Independence was between ( ).D

  • AAmerica and France
  • BAmerica and Holland
  • CAmerica and Spain
  • DAmerica and Britain

In 1778, ( ) signed Treaty of Alliance with America. C

  • ASpain
  • BHolland
  • CFrance
  • DBritain

Britain won the Battle of Yorktown.( )错误

Building the New Nation

The first constitution, Article of Confederation was made in ( ).D

  • A1778
  • B1779
  • C1780
  • D1781

The first president of Amercia was ( ).A

  • AGeorge Washington
  • BAbraham Lincoln
  • CBenjamin Franklin
  • DThomas Jefferson

Alexander Hamilton was the first Secretary of ( ) of America.C

  • AState
  • BLaw
  • CTreasury
  • DWar

There were ( ) Chief Justice in the Supreme Court.A

  • A1
  • B3
  • C8
  • D9

Thomas Paine was born in France.( )错误

A Hero, Traitor and Genius

George Washington declared ( )A

  • AThanksgiving Day
  • BChristmas
  • CHalloween
  • DNew Year’s Day

Which one is right about George Washington?( )D

  • AHe was graduated from college.
  • BHe had three children.
  • CHe had no experience in military action.
  • DHe was revered as the “Father of the United States”.

Which one is wrong about Benjamin Franklin?( )A

  • AHe was also a Doctor.
  • BHe loved reading.
  • CHe started the first public library in Philadelphia.
  • DHe was 81 when he went to the Constitutional Convention.

Which document was not signed by Benjamin Franklin?( )D

  • AThe Declaration of Independence
  • BTreaty with France
  • CPeace Treaty
  • DArticle of Confederation

During the War of Independence, Benedict Arnold sold military secrets to France.( )错误

Benjamin Franklin was born in a rich family and well educated.( )错误

Timeline of Major Events (1800-1899)

The first railway was built in ( ).B

  • A1827
  • B1828
  • C1829
  • D1830

The war with Mexico was started in ( ).A

  • A1846
  • B1847
  • C1848
  • D1849

The first telephone line was built in 1877.( )正确

Territorial Expansion

America purchased Louisiana Territory with ( ) million dollars from France.D

  • A2
  • B5
  • C10
  • D15

The USA purchased Florida from ( ).A

  • ASpain
  • Bthe UK
  • CFrance
  • DItaly

Texas was the ( ) state of America.C

  • A26th
  • B27th
  • C28th
  • D29th

Which one is wrong about Hawaii?( )A

  • AIt is in the Atlantic Ocean.
  • BThere are 8 main islands.
  • CIt is the 50th states of America.
  • DAmerica took over Hawaii government from the local king.

Before America purchased it,Alaska was belong to Mexico.( )错误

The largest city in Alaska is Anchorage, which is also the capital city.( )错误

The American Civil War

The Civil War started in ( ).A

  • A1861
  • B1862
  • C1863
  • D1864

Which was wrong about the Civil War?( )D

  • AAmerica was kept as one country.
  • BSlavery was abolished.
  • CAfter the Battle of Gettysburg, the North started to win.
  • DThe South was strong in “hard power”.

Which one of following is wrong about Abraham Lincoln?( )C

  • AHe was the 16th president of America.
  • BHe was killed in 1865 when the Civil War was just finished.
  • CHe was a businessman and then became politician.
  • DHe was born in a poor farm family.

In the Civil War, the North was weak, and the South was strong.( )错误

Modern weapons were used in the Civil War.( )正确

In the Civil War, the North lost more people than the South.( )正确

